For all of you who have been wondering about our departure status, I thought I'd fill you in with The Rest Of The Story:
Yesterday morning, early, Devin calls the visa office. Is it done yet? Have you seen it? Will it be there today? Sadly, they weren't overly helpful. No, it's not here yet. The guy who drops off/picks up the visas was out doing his rounds, and that we were to call back after noon to see if he brought it in. So, Devin called back around 2pm to see. Was it there? Nope. It wasn't ready yet! WHAT?!?!?!?!?
So, somehow, Devin finds the number for the Cameroonian Embassy and actually calls them! (What a guy!) After about ten tries, he talks with some lady there and asks her about the visa. Were they working on it? Was it ready yet? She said that they would finish it up, and send it off tomorrow (meaning today). So, Devin started to beg (without really sounding like begging). He told the lady that we really needed it done today so we could get it tomorrow because we were leaving at 6am Wednesday morning for Cameroon! Otherwise we'd have to rearrange SIX people's flights! (not to mention Devin has NO MORE time off--obviously since he took off 2 1/2 months-- and Josh needs to get back to school.) So, the lady said, "Oh! Well, then, call the visa office and tell them to come and pick it up after 3pm!" YES!!!!
So, Devin calls the visa office just as the guy who picks up/drops off the visas had come in and was leaving on his rounds once more! So, they were able to relay the message (for some reason, the pick up guy doesn't carry a cell phone!) just in time, and off he went! So, they said to call back later and see if he got it ok and get a tracking number. Devin called and the guy still had not come back. He called again later, and the guy still had not come back. He called right before 4:30 (they don't pick up the phones anymore after 4:30) and talked to the supervisor because the guy still hadn't come back yet. The supervisor said to call his (the supervisors) personal extension and find out what was up within the next half hour or so. Devin called and called around 5pm, and NO ONE picked up.
Quite honestly, by that point we were trying to think up alternate plans. Could they send it to the Chicago airport and have us pick it up there? Could they send it to Zurich? It was so disheartening, since it was SOOOOOO close! But, once it comes to the end of the business day, well, there's nothing you can do. People stop what they're doing and go home.
So, Devin sat down, and began writing a message to the visa pick up guy, explaining the need to have the visa by Tuesday. Just as he was about to send it, the phone rang (it was well after 5pm!!!!!!) and it was the visa pick up guy calling to comfirm our address so he could send it off!!! Tears of joy!!!! Prayers of Thanks!!!! How can anyone not believe in miracles after that??? We got the visa this morning at 11am. Talk about the last minute!
We will be leaving tomorrow morning as planned and finally get to be home!
I want to go swimming every day. I think I will...I think I will.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hot Dogs, Marshmallows and Other Winter Things
Since it is Sunday, I figure there's nothing I can do over the visa thing, so I thought I would do some fun updates on what's going on. Obviously, we're not ALL sitting around stressing over whether we can leave on Wednesday or not...
We've had lots of fun swimming up at the college. The kids are all little fishies! :) We've even taken these guys to movies at the theater! We took them to see Bedtime Stories. Fun show! I highly recommend it. I still liked it the second time around, so that usually means that it's a good one.
We had a 'picnic' in the living room--we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows! So fun!
The kids roasting or waiting to roast...

The rest of us sitting around and chatting.

My parents have this super cute little child sized park bench. Devin put it together, then did a photo shoot with the kids:

We had a little photo shoot (yes, another one) before church. The kids wanted pics taken with Peter, then we just added Mom and Dad and Voila! Another fun family photo!

And then, my personal favorite, Josh has become more helpful of late. He now helps Andrew not only get on his diaper, but dresses him for bed! It's hilarious!!

We've had such a nice time being with so many members of our family. Thank you, Everyone!
We've had lots of fun swimming up at the college. The kids are all little fishies! :) We've even taken these guys to movies at the theater! We took them to see Bedtime Stories. Fun show! I highly recommend it. I still liked it the second time around, so that usually means that it's a good one.
We had a 'picnic' in the living room--we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows! So fun!
The kids roasting or waiting to roast...
The rest of us sitting around and chatting.
My parents have this super cute little child sized park bench. Devin put it together, then did a photo shoot with the kids:
We had a little photo shoot (yes, another one) before church. The kids wanted pics taken with Peter, then we just added Mom and Dad and Voila! Another fun family photo!
And then, my personal favorite, Josh has become more helpful of late. He now helps Andrew not only get on his diaper, but dresses him for bed! It's hilarious!!
We've had such a nice time being with so many members of our family. Thank you, Everyone!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
3 HOURS?!?!?!?
So, here's a quick update on the passport, since I know everyone is just waiting with bated breath... Devin called this morning, and--surprise, surprise--they still hadn't even OPENED the application! BUT, he just happened (and I know as well as the next person that there ARE no coincidences) to talk to a responsible person who actually does their job and realized that we really did need it done fast! She told Devin to call back around 12 our time and check up. He called back, and it had already been done AND been shipped out! Yes, my friends, they did the ENTIRE passport in THREE HOURS!!! Wow. I was rather shocked myself. But, I'm grateful! Now, we should get the passport here tomorrow as the passport office is full of smarter people who use FedEx Express (whom actually do overnight it...) and now here's hoping that it actually gets here tomorrow, we sign it, then turn around and FedEx Express the signed passport along with the visa application and hope that they give Peter a visa by Friday and overnight it back to us so we get it Saturday...or at least Monday or Tuesday at the VERY VERY VERY latest, as we have to leave Rexburg at 3 or 4 am on Wednesday to catch our various flights out. I'll keep you all posted if you'll all keep praying for us!!!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Panic Attack
Well, we've started our downward 'spiral' heading toward our trip home. Technically, we have less than 2 weeks left. We have done almost everything that needs to be done. Our layette shipment is off and running...we've sent multiple packages to ourselves...both Peter and I are now medically cleared to go back...Peter is officially on the orders...Peter has his ticket to return to Cameroon...Devin and I have done everything that needs to be done to be official Idaho residents (Driver's license, bank account...even a library card!). There is only one thing left to do, and quite frankly I am going CRAZY over this!!
The last thing left, is Peter's passport and visa. Ok, so on our 'checklist' for returning, it talks about not delaying starting the process for your passport and visa as that could delay your return to post. BUT, before you can start applying for the passport, the baby has to have his FOUR WEEK appointment. We then have to send in the results to have him cleared to return to post. THEN after he's cleared, we have to send those results to someone else to have him added to Devin's orders. Once he's added on, THEN we can send in the passport application.
Well, Peter's 4 week appointment was on the 9th of Feb. Right immediately after his appointment, we faxed the info in to get him cleared. Luckily, he was cleared that afternoon! Then, we contacted the person to add Peter to the orders. We had to call a few times. FINALLY on Tuesday afternoon, Devin went and checked online to see if the orders had been updated, and thankfully they had! So, since we had everything already filled out for the application, we printed off the orders and our flight itinerary (so they could see that we really need this ASAP...well, sooner than possible, actually) and ran over the the county clerk's office to have everything made official and send it off. We finally convinced the people there that what we were doing was really legit (umm, they don't get many diplomatic passport applications in there...yah, it took well over an hour just to fill out the papers...duh...but at least they were really nice people even if they had no clue). Then, Devin had to go over to the post office to get an envelope and pay for an express mail so we could overnight the application. We got everything into the envelope and left it there with them to send off. Whew.
Then we ran into a few more snags. We called on Wednesday to make sure they'd gotten the application and were looking into doing it. Nope. Hadn't gotten there yet. Apparently, if you send off an overnight express mail envelope after 1pm in the afternoon, it's NOT overnight. Stupid. Wish they used FedEx. So, we called on Thursday. Is it there yet. Nope. Ummmm, could you look up the tracking number and see if it's at least close? It's in D.C., at least. How retarded can you get??? So, we call yesterday (Friday). Is it there yet? What do you mean you haven't seen it??? So, they look up the tracking number... 'Oh, it's here! We'll have someone try to find it and start looking at it, then we'll call you back.' (One of those "Don't call us, we'll call you" things...blah.) They never called us back (I'm so surprised). AND to make things even better, Monday is a holiday. Oh goody. One less day to work on our way more day for me to lie on the floor in a little purple puddle!
Now, dip passports can usually be done in a week or less, depending on the speed of the people working on it. That's not too terrible, considering that if they started on it, we might get it back by the 23rd or 24th. BUT, there's another catch. Peter still needs a visa. But, to apply for a visa, they have to send us the passport, we have to sign it for him, then we have to send it BACK with the visa application and wait for the approval (which can take a week or MORE) THEN they'll send it back and we're ready to go...only we don't have that much time. This is absolutely ridiculous!!! It's not physically possible!!! Who thought up these rules??????
So, my question is, why do they make us wait until the FOUR WEEK appointment for the baby (which, by most standards, they make a point to see the baby at 2 WEEKS and then again at 2 MONTHS...not 4 WEEKS)? How are you supposed to get all the paperwork done and all the passport/visa stuff done in less than 2 weeks? All the other stuff, we've been able to do. But the passport and visa, we have no control over! I WANT TO GO HOME!!!! I'm about this close \\ to calling up the passport office and screaming hysterically at them and then breaking down into a sobbing madwoman and seeing if that does any good.
Seriously, folks, this is silly. We've done everything the INSTANT that we were able to do it, and it still is just not enough. I've enjoyed my stay in the US...seeing family and friends, eating my daily dose of crumb donuts, seeing lots of snow... But quite frankly, I'm more than ready to be back in my house again. To be in the sun and let the kids outside to play on the swings or ride take walks without 40 layers go to playgroups and see other moms and my cook!!! *sigh* This is so frustrating! Anyone out there have any experience with this--and any advice or ideas?
I suppose it has been awhile since I've had lots of overwhelming things happen, so it's time again. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end....right?
The last thing left, is Peter's passport and visa. Ok, so on our 'checklist' for returning, it talks about not delaying starting the process for your passport and visa as that could delay your return to post. BUT, before you can start applying for the passport, the baby has to have his FOUR WEEK appointment. We then have to send in the results to have him cleared to return to post. THEN after he's cleared, we have to send those results to someone else to have him added to Devin's orders. Once he's added on, THEN we can send in the passport application.
Well, Peter's 4 week appointment was on the 9th of Feb. Right immediately after his appointment, we faxed the info in to get him cleared. Luckily, he was cleared that afternoon! Then, we contacted the person to add Peter to the orders. We had to call a few times. FINALLY on Tuesday afternoon, Devin went and checked online to see if the orders had been updated, and thankfully they had! So, since we had everything already filled out for the application, we printed off the orders and our flight itinerary (so they could see that we really need this ASAP...well, sooner than possible, actually) and ran over the the county clerk's office to have everything made official and send it off. We finally convinced the people there that what we were doing was really legit (umm, they don't get many diplomatic passport applications in there...yah, it took well over an hour just to fill out the papers...duh...but at least they were really nice people even if they had no clue). Then, Devin had to go over to the post office to get an envelope and pay for an express mail so we could overnight the application. We got everything into the envelope and left it there with them to send off. Whew.
Then we ran into a few more snags. We called on Wednesday to make sure they'd gotten the application and were looking into doing it. Nope. Hadn't gotten there yet. Apparently, if you send off an overnight express mail envelope after 1pm in the afternoon, it's NOT overnight. Stupid. Wish they used FedEx. So, we called on Thursday. Is it there yet. Nope. Ummmm, could you look up the tracking number and see if it's at least close? It's in D.C., at least. How retarded can you get??? So, we call yesterday (Friday). Is it there yet? What do you mean you haven't seen it??? So, they look up the tracking number... 'Oh, it's here! We'll have someone try to find it and start looking at it, then we'll call you back.' (One of those "Don't call us, we'll call you" things...blah.) They never called us back (I'm so surprised). AND to make things even better, Monday is a holiday. Oh goody. One less day to work on our way more day for me to lie on the floor in a little purple puddle!
Now, dip passports can usually be done in a week or less, depending on the speed of the people working on it. That's not too terrible, considering that if they started on it, we might get it back by the 23rd or 24th. BUT, there's another catch. Peter still needs a visa. But, to apply for a visa, they have to send us the passport, we have to sign it for him, then we have to send it BACK with the visa application and wait for the approval (which can take a week or MORE) THEN they'll send it back and we're ready to go...only we don't have that much time. This is absolutely ridiculous!!! It's not physically possible!!! Who thought up these rules??????
So, my question is, why do they make us wait until the FOUR WEEK appointment for the baby (which, by most standards, they make a point to see the baby at 2 WEEKS and then again at 2 MONTHS...not 4 WEEKS)? How are you supposed to get all the paperwork done and all the passport/visa stuff done in less than 2 weeks? All the other stuff, we've been able to do. But the passport and visa, we have no control over! I WANT TO GO HOME!!!! I'm about this close \\ to calling up the passport office and screaming hysterically at them and then breaking down into a sobbing madwoman and seeing if that does any good.
Seriously, folks, this is silly. We've done everything the INSTANT that we were able to do it, and it still is just not enough. I've enjoyed my stay in the US...seeing family and friends, eating my daily dose of crumb donuts, seeing lots of snow... But quite frankly, I'm more than ready to be back in my house again. To be in the sun and let the kids outside to play on the swings or ride take walks without 40 layers go to playgroups and see other moms and my cook!!! *sigh* This is so frustrating! Anyone out there have any experience with this--and any advice or ideas?
I suppose it has been awhile since I've had lots of overwhelming things happen, so it's time again. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end....right?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Snow Days!
We took the kids on a sledding day today! We were actually going to go to Island Park, but it's been snowing like crazy all day long, so we thought that probably wouldn't be wise. Well, we had a lot of fun anyway, sledding down the hill at Smith Park! Here are some fun pictures (even my parents joined in on the fun!) and even a video or two! :)
A few pre-sledding pics:

Me and Claire at the bottom of the hill!

Josh by his sled; Papa on the sled trying to go down (the green sleds didn't move!!) and Devin and Claire at the bottom of the hill!

Gotta love Andrew's face!!! :)

Papa helping Claire onto the sled:

Josh biffs it! :)
A few pre-sledding pics:
Me and Claire at the bottom of the hill!
Josh by his sled; Papa on the sled trying to go down (the green sleds didn't move!!) and Devin and Claire at the bottom of the hill!
Gotta love Andrew's face!!! :)
Papa helping Claire onto the sled:
Josh biffs it! :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Storytime and some other things of Fun
The story time at the Orem Public Library is what I always imagined story time should be like... About 30+ kids with their parents sitting around enjoying a lady with ultra high energy dancing about and bursting into song! :P Claire LOVED every second! Andrew wasn't so sure about it... and Joshua was 'too cool' to join in, so he sat at a little kids table and read books to himself. So funny! (wish I would've gotten a pic of Josh being studious at a table! :))

Here are also some fun random pictures from different times during our stay in Orem with the Hendriksen's:
The kids sitting on each other! :)

Josh, Claire, Julia (trying to avoid the camera) and Grandma Hendriksen...having a nice time on the couch together! :)

Devin was sleeping a moment before this picture was taken...sad I missed it!

Mellie was letting Andrew take pictures with her camera (brave woman!!)--he took an extreme close-up of his mouth! It was hilarious! (I want a copy of that if you still have it, Mel!)

A couple of little Peter shots...he's so advanced! He can stand already! :)

We went to Costco for a few things to ship home, and this is usually how my kids like to sit in the shopping cart. Yah, we don't quite fit...

Thanks for putting up with us and having so much fun with us, everyone! We miss you already!
Here are also some fun random pictures from different times during our stay in Orem with the Hendriksen's:
The kids sitting on each other! :)
Josh, Claire, Julia (trying to avoid the camera) and Grandma Hendriksen...having a nice time on the couch together! :)
Devin was sleeping a moment before this picture was taken...sad I missed it!
Mellie was letting Andrew take pictures with her camera (brave woman!!)--he took an extreme close-up of his mouth! It was hilarious! (I want a copy of that if you still have it, Mel!)
A couple of little Peter shots...he's so advanced! He can stand already! :)
We went to Costco for a few things to ship home, and this is usually how my kids like to sit in the shopping cart. Yah, we don't quite fit...
Thanks for putting up with us and having so much fun with us, everyone! We miss you already!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Swim Fun
Another thing that Rexburg needs!!
Look how cool this swimming pool is! Wow! There was this huge 'cup' at the top that would continuously fill with water, and then when it was full, would just tip over and pour out over anyone who happened to be under it! Amazing! :)

Mellie and Drew:

You can almost see Devin with Claire and Andrew under the big play-thing:

Julia, Claire and Ethan ready to swim! (I never got a picture of Joshua at this place...he moved so fast!)

We all had such a fun time!
Look how cool this swimming pool is! Wow! There was this huge 'cup' at the top that would continuously fill with water, and then when it was full, would just tip over and pour out over anyone who happened to be under it! Amazing! :)
Mellie and Drew:
You can almost see Devin with Claire and Andrew under the big play-thing:
Julia, Claire and Ethan ready to swim! (I never got a picture of Joshua at this place...he moved so fast!)
We all had such a fun time!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Jungle Jim's
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