Friday, December 28, 2007

Life in Africa

December 22, 2007

We went to church today for the first time in Cameroon (or on Mars, whichever). Whew. It’s like my first week in Guatemala. Old falling apart building. Lots of people I don’t know or understand. The only difference this time, was that I had my kids to look after. Andrew had a hard time. Claire and Josh seemed to enjoy their time in the primary. Everyone was very friendly. Lots of warm welcomes. They had us bear our testimonies en francais…boy, that was a kicker! The accent here is very different than France French. Of course it is. This is Africa! What was I expecting?? Well, it’s certainly different. But, I am determined to learn it.

The kids are super tired. I almost want to make them all take naps. But I think that that option is out. Andrew was asleep, then all heck broke loose between Josh and Claire and they’re both screaming and yelling through the house. (Apparently, there is a new favorite chair in the den, and josh was sitting in it, and Claire wanted it, so she pushed him, and he shoved back and they ended up beating each other up. It was fun.) So, all the screaming woke up Andrew. Marvelous. Merveilleux.

I just can’t seem to kick this cough that I picked up in the hotel in VA. It’s horrible!! I cough off and on during the day, but then at night, I lay down to go to sleep and usually cough for between 2-3 hours. And it hurts. A lot. And I can’t sleep. I am extremely sleep deprived. I need chocolate!!!

December 24, 2007

It’s Christmas Eve. What does that mean? I suppose my idea of Christmas has to be redefined now that we live in a place completely devoid of cold and snow. I think it’s a good thing, as it helps me to remember that it doesn’t matter whether you have a few feet of snow on the ground—that’s not what Christmas is all about. It doesn’t matter if you have stacks and stacks of presents under the tree. Again, that’s not what Christmas is all about. Christmas is about that Babe born in a manger long ago, but who matters just as much today as He did on that morning!

Today we spent the day picking flowers with the guard (Claire’s favorite pastime),
playing outside enjoying the fabulously beautiful weather, and scrounging up ingredients to make cookies! It is super fun to make something from nothing! Of course, cookies just don’t turn out quite the same as they do in the States, but they are cookies nonetheless! :P Our guard works hard, so we want to do something for him, so we’re giving him cookies.

December 27, 2007

It is interesting to note that invasions of ants no longer bother me. I actually feel bad for them! If anything…and I mean ANYTHING is left on the counter for more than 13 seconds, swarms of ants attack. They can smell food from miles away (well, miles away in ant miles, at least…) and they come running in hordes! Are they really so starving that they can smell food so far away so quickly? People always talk about the starving children in Africa…well, what about the ants? They’re alive, too, and if the people are starving, how do you think the ants are faring???

I am loving having a housekeeper!! She is fantastic! I don’t have to sweep, mop, clean bathrooms, do laundry or wash dishes at all! Isn’t that weird???? I just play with the kids and cook food…I do some straightening, just because I feel retarded not doing anything at all…and I clean after dinner…but I find that there is this HUGE burden lifted from off my shoulders. I feel lighter and happier and way more able to cope with things. I know that I couldn’t keep up this house without a little extra help, and it’s so great! I don’t feel burdened down by the things that need to be done and aren’t. I can’t explain it. It’s wonderful! And, I still do the things that I like to do (cleaning wise), the kids still help (they LOVE Pascaline—Claire follows her around all day long, and cries when she leaves!!!), and it’s just all around a good thing for everyone. I’m very, very grateful! She’s a good ‘nanny’, too, as I can leave the kids here with her when I have to go somewhere, and I have no worries or concerns at all. Between her and our awesome guard, Napoleon, our kids are safe and happy here! It’s so funny to have a housekeeper and a guard, but they are such a blessing to our family! I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for them! And hopefully, they enjoy working here for us as much as we enjoy having them here! :P

I took the kids to a playgroup/birthday party today. It was fun, but a little too long, I think. Claire just wanted to go home and eat…Andrew would NOT leave my side…and Josh got really sunburned playing out in the pool for too long during prime daylight hours! :/ Luckily, we have a couple of nice aloe vera plants growing in our yard!! Yea!! Our yard rocks!!We have a giant bunch of bananas that should be ripe soon, and some papayas and guavas…and a giant avocado tree!! J How fun is that? I started Claire and Josh on watering the yard. As we don’t have a gardener yet, and it’s dry season, our plants were droopy and needed water, so what better way to get the kiddies away from the tv and doing something constructive and wet?? :P They’ve really enjoyed it, and the guard joins in with them (he’s even been teaching them how to do it properly!!!) and even Pascaline joined in this afternoon….so Josh, Claire, our housekeeper and our guard were all outside with a big bucket of water using old yogurt containers to water all the plants!! Ha!!! I should have taken a picture!!! It was so fun!!

I went to the commissary and bought a bunch of frozen stuff to stock our freezer with. I think the poor lady thought I was nuts as I brought basket after basket of stuff up to the counter! Ha! I got frozen fruit and veggies, English muffins, tortillas, chicken breast, sausage (Jimmy dean!!!), Ball Park hot dogs, Sherbet…I even found some Parkay! Yah, you’re not supposed to freeze it, but it’s still ok. I am SOOOOO spoiled here! It’s great! :P After I finished my shopping in the commissary, there was a choir performance going on in the lobby! It was an African community (?) choir, and it was so fun! All these Africans who probably don’t speak English, singing Handel’s Messiah, and other English Christmas carols! :P They also sang some Afrikaan folk songs and such. It was fun! The singing here is very different. They all sing probably a quarter step flat consistently…but they have fantastic voices otherwise! They can BELT!!! Whew!!! And the things they can do with their voices is just amazing! It was fun! I enjoyed it! I had Andrew with me, and we were up on a balcony watching them. He was standing by the fence watching and just dancing along, and clapped when everyone else clapped…it was so cute!! Some of the choir members saw him dancing and clapping and smiled. The Africans LOVE children! They are so sweet when they see little kids! It’s sweet. :P

Bed time.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Our Trip

December 18-21, 2007

We are here at last!! Whew what a journey! Let me just start by saying that great adventures never start out boring! Ha!

It seems almost a year ago that we left the US, but it’s only been a couple of days! Good grief! And here I am, completely wasted, and I’m writing…Oh well. We left our hotel in a flurry by 2pm, thanks to all the help of Robyn and Eric!! We couldn’t have gotten out on time without you! THANK YOU!! (and we hope you found Mierae’s coat!!) The shuttle took us to the airport…unfortunately, it wasn’t the Hummer, so I didn’t get to take a picture. Sorry, everyone! L We stood in line for what seemed like forever in the United International check-in area. And let me tell you, those people were not happy to be there! I thought that was too bad. They were grumbling and angry and frustrated and generally miserable to be there, and therefore making everyone else’s lives miserable. The phrase ‘misery loves company’ comes to mind. Oh well. We did make it, though, albeit with a lot of dirty looks for the loads and loads of baggage, then the printer that was supposed to print our baggage stickers wasn’t working, so they had to switch us to another one that did work. Blah. Our bags, thankfully, just barely cleared the 50 lb limit, so we were thankful for that one! J We finally got through, (and still had WAY too much baggage, I think) and saw some friends there! So, they were going to come through with us and carry some of our bags…well, turns out they were in business class and couldn’t go through the line with us, but we got separated, and they ended up going through the line with our stuff! Sadly enough, they also got selected to be the lucky people that get completely searched! Turns out, my clarinet is not a bomb, so they got through ok. J We got to our gate, found some ice cream type stuff (I promised Claire), and got on! Good thing we got there three hours early, eh? We even only sat on the plane for like an hour before taking off, so that wasn’t too bad.

The kids were fine for the first 5 minutes. Just kidding. They did a super job. Andrew got pretty cranky around 10:30 ish, but once I stood up with him for a while, he settled down pretty quickly. Claire fell asleep before we even took off!! Good for her!! Josh, well, Josh fell asleep around 3 am (Paris time). Oh well. He only got about 2 hours of sleep that night. I didn’t sleep at all. Devin nodded a bit off and on. Some guy kept coughing really loudly, and another guy was reading a comic book and the pages were shining in my face all night, so I did not even nod. Oh well.

We got off the plane in Paris all smiles (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha) and not knowing which way our heads were put on. As we got off, we asked where our stroller was, and they said it would be where the baggage was. So, we took off down the really cool moving sidewalk (this one was super cool…instead of being flat, it went up and down. Not like an escalator, because it didn’t turn into stairs. It was like going over hills. Neat!) and stood in line to have our passports stamped so we could get out of the airport and get our luggage. Well, we saw the other passengers from the plane with kids already had their strollers, so we asked them how they got them. They got them off to the side of where we came off the plane! AH!! So, Devin went running back (Josh and Claire wanted to go, too, but I told them no, so they both sat by my feet screaming at the top of their lungs. I enjoyed that, and so did everyone else around us.) People kept saying things to us in French, and I had no idea what they were talking about. Finally, after about 15 minutes, Devin came running back…without the stroller. I almost sunk down and joined the two little purple puddles!! We couldn’t have lost our stroller on the first leg of our flight!!!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!! Well, there wasn’t much we could do except go try to find the rest of our luggage, and see if we couldn’t find the whereabouts of the rogue stroller. So, the nice lady security guard person let us go through the handicapped side because of all the kids, and they stamped our passports. Whew. At least that one went ok. We were kind of worried that they might not because of the diplomatic passports.

Anyway, we got to the baggage terminal, and found our luggage, but still no stroller. By the way, you know those carts that they make you pay like $2-3 for at the airports in the US? In any other airport, they’re free. Cool. So, we filled up two of them, and strolled on over to the lost luggage claim place. After a lot of talking to people who really didn’t speak English even though they thought they did, someone came running in with it!!!!!!! YEA!!!! I was never so happy to see a piece of luggage in my life!! I could have lost anything else…I still would have been sad to lose something in our luggage (as that’s some of the most ‘important’ stuff), but the stroller was the one thing I absolutely could not have parted with!!! Traveling with the kiddies you just have to have that double stroller!!

So, we found it. *Sigh of relief* We wandered around for awhile looking for where we needed to go to find the shuttle to our hotel. We found the spot, and stood there for another half hour or so until we realized we were standing at the wrong spot. Doh! So, we had to run outside (oh, it’s cold in Paris!!!!!!) across the street to wait for it. Then we had to wave the poor guy down, and he helped us throw our 4 million suitcases into the shuttle…enduring a very angry bunch of honks from other bus/shuttle drivers waiting to get through! Now, mind you, we really didn’t have THAT much luggage…we had 4 large suitcases and one small one that we checked, then 4 small suitcases, and the myriad of diaper bags/purses/laptops, etc. So, I guess we had 15 bags en toto, so I suppose that was a bit extreme…but it still wasn’t our limit! Ha!! We could have checked 10 bags! Then they really would have hated us!!!

The shuttle driver was very nice, and even helped us on both ends and refused a tip when offered!!!! Weird, eh? We got to the hotel, and it was very nice. Certainly a place where we just don’t belong!!!! There was a very angry person in front of us, yelling at everyone in English and swearing in English and French…we thought, “Oh dear. That’s why everyone things Americans are rude and inconsiderate.” Come to find out, he was Italian. Weird. Sad that he had to act that way. So, we got to the front desk and asked if we could put our luggage in a locked up room. So, they just left everything on the big luggage rack, and pushed it into the room. They only put one luggage marker on it, though…

They told us that our room would be available around noon, so we decided to do a little sightseeing. Oh, we were so tired!! But, we walked over to the train station that happened to be right behind the hotel (we kind of did that on purpose, obviously) and after a lot of wandering and a lot of French, we figured out what we needed. We got unlimited day passes for the RER, Metro and any other public transportation. It was super fun! The kids were free, so we studied the map a bit, and decided where we wanted to go, and we went!! Woohoo! Really, no one was overly rude to us, and some people were super nice, so I was pleasantly surprised. We finally made it to our first stop: The Arc de Triomphe. We got off at our stop, and went into the elevator that takes you to the surface…and almost died!!!! It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOLLLLLD!!!! HOLY COW!!! Now I know why everyone there wears scarves. Oh my goodness! I knew it would be chilly, but this was ridiculous! It was cold, windy and humid, and not fun! So, we ran to the corner, took a couple of family-ish pictures (there were no other people around to ask to take our picture) and ran back to the elevator. The kids were crying! Yikes!! So, we went back down, and decided to head to the Eiffel Tower. Yes, it was cold, but how many times do you get to spend a day in Paris?? So, we figured there was a stop right at the Tower, and we could do just like we did at the Arc. Um, no. The stop was closed for renovation or something, so we had to go one stop more. Not only was it a fairly long walk, the stop was NOT stroller friendly!! LOTS of stairs and very tight doors. Oh well. We made it. But the walk was horrid. The kids were screaming by the time we reached the Tower. We got attacked by a bunch of gypsy ladies. The first one asked us for money to buy food…so we gave her our half eaten sandwich. Oh well. Then this whole pack of them descended on me while Devin was off taking pictures…they were berating me for having the kids out in the cold, and pulling their hands into their sleeves and pulling their hoods tighter over their faces and making the kids scream even more, and the whole time I’m thinking to myself, “Are there any valuables in the stroller? Is my purse zipped shut and tucked under my arm securely?” I did NOT want to have someone stealing my money or purse. My purse had ALL of our passports!! That would have been so awful!! So, Devin finally finished taking pictures, and shewed all the ladies away, and we turned around and walked back to the RER station with the kids screaming bloody murder the whole way. The gypsy ladies tried to stop us again, so I yelled at them in Spanish!! Ha!! (They kept asking everyone they saw if they spoke English, and that’s why we talked to the first one who took our bread. We thought she needed directions, or wanted to help us or something…but she just handed us a note in English that said she needed some food and money or something. So, from then on, I just spoke Spanish.) So, we got back on the train, and I warmed up everyone’s red frozen fingers. We had to change trains at Notre Dame, so we decided that since we were there, we’d poke our heads up and see, so we did. We chased some pigeons and looked at the giant Christmas tree, and yelled at some gypsy ladies in Spanish, then went back down to the train to head back ‘home’ to the hotel.

We got to the hotel a little after 1pm, thinking our room would be ready and we could all just crash. No such luck. They hadn’t even started cleaning the rooms yet, and we might be able to check in around 2pm. But, they were nice and gave us a key to a lounge on the top floor where we could sit and relax and watch tv and eat some snacks. So, we did…but the kids were so tired they were completely slap-happy and out of control! They ate a little, flung more of it around, switched tables every 5 seconds, and generally made themselves crazy. After about 10 minutes of that, Devin took them out, and as Claire was yelling, ‘ME TOO!!!’ and turning around, she flung out her arm and threw her orange juice across the room, so that it shattered on the ground. I was in tears as I tried my best to clean up the glass and wipe up what juice I could. The desk guy didn’t seem too upset by it, but I was. So, we went out to a little waiting area, and Josh screamed and cried, and Andrew tried to run away, and Claire tried to attack him. Oh, it was so fun! :/ Finally, at almost 3 pm, they came and told us our room was finally finished…THANK GOODNESS!! I didn’t think we were going to last much longer!

So, we finally got into our room. It was rather small compared to the one we had in Chantilly, but very large for European standards. The bathroom was super pretty! So, we let the kids run wild, and we showered. Then we decided to go down for dinner. Well, it seems that no one in France eats dinner before 7pm. And it was only 5pm. They had a big buffet that we could do if we waited, but we were too tired to wait. We just wanted to eat and go to bed! So, we asked if we could just order separately. They said that was fine, and so we made sure that Josh and Claire understood the acceptable behavior that would be required in the setting where we would be eating. It was a very ‘posh’ place! So, we got down there, and the kids were sitting so still! It was great! They brought us some crusty rolls, and they all started to chow down…but funnily enough, before they even finished eating their rolls, they were asleep!!! Completely and totally out!! We couldn’t wake them for anything—even offering candy! Ha! So, Claire slept with her head on the table, and Josh slept all slumped over in his chair, and Devin, Andrew and I enjoyed a nice quiet candlelight dinner!! Ha!! Well, they were definitely quiet and refined for their dinner! Poor little guys! It was the quietest dinner we’d had! We actually roused Josh enough to eat some French fries…it was funny, because he’d eat a fry, then fall asleep again while chewing, then eat another one, then fall asleep again. He did that for probably 15 fries! Then just gave up. He was awake enough to walk up to our room, then just crawled into bed and went to sleep! Same with Claire. She never even woke up. She stayed asleep until the next morning! Andrew fell happily asleep after a nice dinner, and so did Devin and I. We all slept for a good 12 hours and felt much better!

The next morning, Devin and I went to breakfast in shifts. He took Claire, then I took Josh, and we just brought some food along for Andrew. We wanted to leave our room by 7:30 to get to the airport with plenty of time. Well, we didn’t leave until 8am, because Andrew was sleeping so soundly, and none of us had the heart to wake the poor boy! So, we left a little late. We headed to the elevator and hopped on. That started the problem. For some reason, our elevator only made it to the 5th floor (we were on the 8th). Once on the 5th floor, about 3 other people crammed themselves and their luggage on with us, and the doors wouldn’t shut anymore! The would come together, and almost shut (we’d all be holding our breath at this point hoping they would shut), then open again! After going through this ritual about 6 times, we just hopped off to wait for another one. Well, every one that came down was chock full of people and bags!! We couldn’t have squeezed in if we’d wanted to! So, we gave up and made a run for the stairs. Oh boy! The kids were mad because they wanted to stay in the stroller, so they went down the stairs VERY slowly, and screaming the whole way!! Then, the stairs didn’t go all the way down to the first floor! So we got out of the stairwell, more frustrated than ever, and went to another stairwell hoping to get the rest of the way down. We went down another level, and through some doors, but they led to a door that went outside! Doh! And when Devin pushed on it, an alarm went off!!!!!!! So, we went to go back out the other doors to get back to the stairs and go up to find the elevator again, and the doors were locked!! We were trapped in the basement of the Hilton Paris! Ha!! (of course, it wasn’t very funny at the time…) Well, what else could we do? We made a run for it through the alarm door! I told the kids that when daddy opened the door, they had to run out as fast as they could. Well, Devin opened the door, and the alarm sounded loud and clear, and I yelled ‘run’ to the kids…and they ran in the opposite direction!!! So I had to go running after them while Devin is holding this door open (I might mention that this is probably only the second time I’ve ever seen Devin really mad…not at us, but at the system…). So, I finally rounded up the kids and I’m half dragging half carrying all three of them out this big door, all the while completely expecting half the Interpol to be waiting there to arrest us! We finally got out of the door, slammed it shut so the alarm turned off, and went around to the front of the hotel to wait for the shuttle and to check out. The kids were both crying, so we all sat on a bench hugging while Devin went to straighten everything out. He explained all about the alarm, etc., but he doesn’t think the person understood a word that he said. Another lucky time for a language barrier! Ha! So, we weren’t thrown in prison. Whew. He checked out just as the shuttle pulled up, and because we had all the kids, the driver let us on before all the other people that were waiting! Yea!! Just another benefit to having lots o’ kids (not that we have lots…yet)! We gave them our baggage ticket so they could go get our bags and load them on. It took them forever to find it, but the reason was that they were looking for only one bag…not a mountain of bags on a luggage rack! I’m not sure if they found that funny or annoying, but, again, thank goodness for a language barrier, so I could be happy in my ignorance. J

We were finally off to the airport. The driver let us off at our check in terminal, and we disembarked with our mounds of stuff. We found our spot without too many problems and proceeded with the check in process. Interestingly enough, they only let you take one bag per person onto the airplane. Oh dear. So, we got really creative with the big plastic bags that we put the carseats in, and the lady was super nice and let us check 2 other bags, no charge! So, all we had with us were a diaper bag, laptop, clarinet, and a carryon bag with games and things for the kids to do! That was SOOOOOOOO nice!! We found our gate, and hung out for awhile until boarding. We spent like 4 or 5 Euro on some water. Rip off! Again, someone came by and told us that because we had so many kids and a stroller that we could board with the business class people, which was a REALLY good thing! That was a crazy airport! There is no rhyme or reason…just a lot of people all packed in together as tightly as possible hoping to get into the right line! They boarded almost an hour late, and when they finally said all passengers with children, we had to really push and shove our way through to the line!! I have to admit that I was fairly ruthless trying to get through. Devin was trying to be all polite and careful, so I finally just pushed a bunch of people out of the way and shoved him and the kids forward! Ha! They wouldn’t have let us through, otherwise! It was nuts!! We finally got up to the line, and had no trouble getting through at that point. We walked down the ‘plank’ (as Devin calls it) to get to the airplane, and instead of an airplane, there was this huge flight of stairs going down! Weird. So, again, we had to have the kids get out of the stroller (and again, they were mad and screaming) and walk down the stairs to gate check the stroller, and then they loaded everyone up on these busses! Umm…I wanted to go on an airplane! Ha! The bus took us to an airplane out on the tarmac, and we all got off the bus and walked up the stairs into the plane. Apparently, they had to change planes at the last minute. There was no explanation. So, since they changed planes, after everyone got on, they had to switch all the luggage and the food from the other plane to the new one. That took another hour or so. THEN some of the passengers that were supposed to be on the plane, never showed up…SO they had to go through everyone’s luggage AGAIN and find the luggage for the people who didn’t come, just in case there was a bomb or something. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, right? Then they had to count everyone again to make sure we were all there, and then make sure that everyone’s overhead bags were accounted for…anyway, 3 hours later we were finally on our way. Due to our late leaving, we had to wait an extra ½ hour to be able to take off…but then we were finally in the air. Whew.

The flight was actually fairly nice. Claire took a nap. I think Andrew took two small ones. Josh played with his little tv. It was so nice, because they had the individual tv’s for each person, and you could watch tv, cartoons, movies, play games, watch the map of where we were…all kinds of stuff! So, Josh had fun playing with his tv and using his remote. He also played with his leapfrog and colored. So he was happy. Claire played, watched Ratatouille twice, and talked to the guy sitting next to her (who didn’t speak any English). I sat by a nice lady from Germany, who only spoke German and French. It was interesting trying to communicate. Mostly we just laughed. I got to play solitaire on the tv! Ha! It was funny. My earphones kept giving out and the tv/movie part of my tv wasn’t working very well, so I didn’t watch anything. That’s ok.

These are from the Air France flight from Paris to Yaounde...Andrew going for his afternoon constitutional; Claire smiling (she held long conversations with the guy sitting next to her...and he didn't speak a lick of English!!); and Josh hanging out with his Leapfrog. It was a nice flight. Once we finally got in the air...

We landed in Douala (the biggest commercial city of Cameroon), FINALLY, after about 7 hours in the air. Most everyone got off. Then, they counted us all again, and made sure that we only our luggage was left in the overhead bins, and we took off again for Yaounde. The flight here took only ½ an hour! We barely got in the air, and we were starting our final descent! Very cool! I can do the short trips! J We landed in Yaounde, and we were the last ones off. It’s just easier that way. So, we walked out, and there was no one there…so we found the baggage sign, and followed the stairs. We walked down the stairs and something was definitely not right. There we found a couple of baggage carousels that weren’t moving, but instead had a bunch of African ladies who were dressed as nuns sitting on it, and a bunch of other people just standing at the window staring out. No one moved a muscle when we came down. It was super creepy!! There was definitely no baggage there! We asked someone who looked somewhat normal, and she told us to go through the big glass doors and walk the other direction. Ok. So, we did. And we still didn’t see anyone who looked remotely helpful, and we didn’t see any baggage! I was starting to panic a little at this point. We walked through crowds of people, hoping someone would be helpful, but they mostly just looked at us funny. We were headed toward an information booth, when a smiling guy with a badge came up and said, “What happened to you?” I about fainted! I was so relieved! He was there with the guy who was supposed to meet us, so he took us through the crowds of people and through the customs/passport check backwards (somehow we had gone totally the wrong way, and if we would have gone through one more set of glass doors, we would have been right in the country! We sidestepped the passport place and all the other stuff! I don’t know how we did it. But no one was there to tell us we were going the wrong way. We just read the signs and went where the arrows pointed!) So, we got back in, and met up with the people we were supposed to meet, and they took care of our passports for us and got our bags for us, and the kids and I just sat in a nice quiet corner and I cried! No, I wasn’t sad. I must say that I felt like I was ‘home’! I know that sounds super weird after all the things we’d already been through, but it was JUST like the airport in Guate, and even smelled like it! Ha! I was just so excited!!!!!! We found ALL of our bags—for which I was pleasantly surprised and grateful that none of them got lost! Being only 3 ½ hours late and with no lost baggage was a pretty good deal, I thought! It could have been much worse. We got our passports back quickly (oh, I can’t even say what a relief it was to be with people who cared that we were there and were taking care of us!), and we got to go through the VIP exit (pretty cool!), then we loaded up in the van and let the driver take us home! Oh, it’s SO beautiful here!! SO PRETTY!! Tropical fruit trees are everywhere…palm trees, banana trees, papaya, mango…flowers are blooming everywhere… there are big rolling hills covered in green… It’s just gorgeous! I already love it, and haven’t even seen it during the day! J The roads sure are crazy, though! It’s like playing a video game! I was sure glad it wasn’t me driving!

We made it home, and our guard opened the gate for us to go in. Our neighbors came over to help us get our bags in and show us around quickly. I still can’t believe how big this place is! Super big! I’ve almost got the hang of where everything is…I have lost the laundry room on more than one occasion. I keep forgetting exactly where it is. There are lots of stairs and rooms and bathrooms and wide open spaces. The ceilings are all at least 10 ft high, except for the entry way…that’s at least 20 ft. It’s crazy! The walls are all echoey, so in some ways it feels like we live in a big tin box. J Once we get our stuff and put some pictures on walls, and some rugs down, it will get a little better, I think. The kids are enjoying it, though.

Our first day, Devin went in to work, and I went with our neighbors over to the commissary to get some things and meet a few people. It was nice, but I was still super tired (due to the fact that we finally got settled in and ready for bed around 11pm the night before, and because Claire had a long nap on the airplane right before we landed, she wasn’t ready to sleep yet, so she cried until almost 2am. *Sigh*) so didn’t enjoy it as much as I normally would have. It was good to get out, though, and get a few things to eat. The kids played with the neighbors, and really enjoy being over there. It’s nice to have friends next door!

Devin came home late, due to some problems at work. Something for me to get used to, I guess. He got home and we ate some food. As he was washing the dishes for me, he noticed a little line of ants going to the window from the hot water faucet. He poured a little water on it, and it practically exploded with ants!! Hundreds of them!! Oh dear!! So I whipped out the first thing I could put my hands on, which happened to be my Veggie Wash, and started spraying! The ants all died almost instantly!!!!! Who knew? So, after killing all the little ones that came out, the big winged ones started to wriggle their way out, too, and I stood vigil for about ½ hour making sure that every last ant that came out was killed! I think we must have had a nest behind there or something. So, we’ve got that going for us.

The water here is yellow. Apparently, we have a machine out back that cleans it most of the way before it goes to all our faucets. It’s still yellow. This morning it was brown…like hot cocoa. He he he… thankfully we have a distiller that we can get drinking water from. We can buy bottled water if we want, too. The bottles are handy. It’s really funny to see this nasty brown water coming out of the washing machine to get my clothes clean? Ha!! But it works. It’s hard on whites, but what can you do?

Did I mention that our neighbors set up a Christmas tree for us? I walked in the door to see a Christmas tree all twinkly and decorated with ‘snowflakes’! J So fun! We even had a few packages here already, and that was nice. J Our stocking package hasn’t gotten here yet, and I’m more than a little concerned, but, well, what can I do?

Today I got to go to a little store in town with my neighbor. It was fun. The prices are fairly comparable to that of the states, except for the meat prices. It’s SUPER expensive!! A while chicken is $5 a pound! Chicken breast is over $6 a pound! Ground beef is $4 a pound. Apples are $2.50/lb. But, they have fresh beans—black beans, red beans, navy beans, and some really cool looking ones that I don’t know what they are, but as soon as I get my Bean Bible back I’ll look them up! J They have all my favorite stuff to cook with—like fresh garlic and potatoes and onions…they don’t have celery, though. Oh well. And the carrots are hilarious! I should take some pics—they’re big and fat!

In our yard, we have a pear tree, papaya tree, and a guava(?) tree! Cool, eh? Our yard isn’t huge, but it’s beautiful! Lots of tropical plants and flowers…I have no idea what half of them are. I’ll have to take some pictures and see if anyone can tell me what they are! J

Our first morning here, Devin told me that he woke up around 6am to the sound of the birds outside, and his first thought was: “Just one more for exotic bird bingo! I am loving this!” (Gotta love Kronk!)

Anyway, this is terribly long, and may be boring to some of you. I need to get Andrew up from his nap, and find out if Josh wants to come home from the neighbors any time soon. Our neighbors are having a White Elephant thing tonight, so we’re going to that.

I just can’t tell you how much I am loving it here! It’s fantastic

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So Long, Farewell...

It is now the last morning of our sojourn in the USA for now. We fly to Paris this evening. How crazy!!!! I don't think I slept very much last night, dreaming about the Eiffel Tower (it had been demolished, so we couldn't go up to the top, and I was disappointed!)...

So I haven't written due to busy days! Saturday was a flurry of fun as we packaged up some boxes to send to ourselves (...and when it arrives, I'll smash it with a hammer! It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, I say! Genius, I tell you! *smash*--Emperor's New Groove), and went to the FedEx/Kinko's about 3 times doing things that we could have accomplished there in 1/2 hour. Oh well. We mailed our vacuum! I should have taken a picture! It was super funny! We copied our Christmas letter there, too...and enjoyed the experience of having the copier jam. What a waste! I think the people there mess the copiers up on purpose, because regardless of whether it comes out right or not, you still pay for the copy. Somewhat frustrating.

Sunday we went to church at Oakton for the last time. I was sad. I will miss it there. I tried not to think about it so I wouldn't cry. We went to a friends' house for lunch, then went up to the temple to see the lights. We got up there just in time to see the Joseph Smith movie. So good! I always cry a lot! The lights at the temple were so beautiful! I just wish it would have been a little more temperate as far as the weather was concerned! The wind was gusting around 50 mph, and it was around 30 degrees before wind chill. Sufficeth to say, we did not walk around the grounds. We drove. It was super cold!!

Yesterday we went downtown and Devin checked out at work and picked up our passports with the visas. Then we went to lunch. Then we went to the dentist so I could get my permanent crown put on. Devin had been having some struggles with one of his fillings, and when the dentist looked at it, yes, he'd cracked it somehow! So, they had to put on a new one. Then we had to get home to ship off the car. Now, said the way I just wrote it, it sounds laid-back and mundane. Well, let me go a little more indepth:

Devin had to get in to work to check out...after 9am. Which isn't a bad time, it's just that that is the height of traffic, because that's when everyone else has to be to work, too. So, we all decided to go with him so we could use the HOV lanes. He he he... We didn't leave here until 8:40, but we made really good time and got downtown by 9:20! Impressive! Well, then there's the question of parking. We drove around the building he needed to be a few times. Then, we realized there was some 1-3 hour parking right next to it! So, we parked there, but then realized that everyone else was sitting in their cars. Why? The free parking didn't start until 9:30, and in downtown D.C. that is enforced!!! So, instead of waiting in the car with unhappy kids, we decided to drive around and try to find an open meter. (Yes, Devin decided to find a place where we had to pay to park!!! He's certainly lightened up there! Ha!) We found one right in front of the building. So, while Devin took the kids out of the car, I plopped in the quarters. Well, it's supposed to be a 2 hour meter, so I just started throwing all the money in. Then I realized it wasn't going up in time anymore. I thought it was a fluke, so I put in another quarter to see if it went up, and instead of going up, it flashed FAIL OUT OF ORDER!! BAH!!!!! (I'm sure if the meter were alive it would be laughing evilly as well!) So, I panicked! But we didn't have time to do anything about it. We needed to get in and pick up our passports and check out, because I had a dentist appointment at 11:30! So, we just ran in, hoping that we didn't get ticketed, because then they wouldn't ship our car that day!! AH!!! So, after I go through security with the kids (who are all screaming and crying because they can't go in the same door as dad...*sigh*) and get visitor's badges, we go over and pick up our passports and check out with almost no incidents. (except for Andrew screaming when Devin had to write an email...and Josh and Claire stealing candy from the front desk people...) So, we were in and out in about 45 minutes!! *breathe!!!!* I was so glad, too...we were afraid it would take hours!!! So, after all the checking out finished, we ran back to the entrance and handed in our badges. Then off we went hoping the car was still there...and ticketless and bootless!!!! Thankfully, it was! AND the meter had stopped flashing out of order! We still had 1/2 hour left on it! So, whether it fixed itself, or whether some wonderful person stopped by and fixed it for us (and if that is the case, thank you! whoever you are!!), we didn't have to worry about a ticket from downtown (which would have been truly horrible!!!!). We got in the car and drove back toward Fairfax and decided to find some food before the dentist (sorry, dentist! I got hungry, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to eat for some time after the visit...), so we ended up at Panda Express. Ah, I like that place! We got there just as it opened, and they weren't quite finished making the food yet! It was 10:30 by this time, and by the time they got out our food, it was 11! But, it was freshly made! Yea!! So after some fried rice, chow mein, mushroom chicken and egg rolls, we rushed off to the dentist. I got there just in time for my appointment. We thought it was going to take an hour to an hour and a half! Well, she pulled out my temporary, fixed the permanent to fit, glued it on, and I was done! Whew!! By the time she'd finished (10 minutes later) Devin had just left!!! AH!!! So, I ran outside and caught them as they were driving out! I'm SO glad that I caught them, otherwise I would have been stuck just sitting there in the building for an hour and a half all by myself!!! I told Devin to run in and get his filling checked, and I played with the kids in the hallway. He got his filling replaced, and after another 1/2 hour we were on our way again. The stressful part about this: We were shipping our car out! And the people were supposed to come any time between 12 and 4!!! We had no way of knowing when they'd be there, and it was going to be almost 1 by the time we got back to the hotel!!! YIKES!! I thought I was going to get an ulcer!! If they had come and gone, they would have charged Devin's work for a no-show, and we wouldn't be able to ship our car, because we don't have enough time to reschedule a pick up time!!! I suppose this is why people have cell phones. I don't think we'll be cell phone-less for much longer!!!!! Anyway, we got back to the hotel, and there was no message from them (they were supposed to call an hour before they got there).
So, with no message, I felt able to breathe a little better. We did some laundry, and played a bit, and they finally came for the car around 3pm, as did Robyn and Eric! So the car left without a hitch, and we enjoyed a nice evening with Robyn and Eric and Mierae and Jolie...talking and playing, eating pizza and swimming! It was a nice last day in the US...full of drama, excitement, suspense and thrills! Ha!! I'm certainly glad it's over! And now, we are just going to pack, and hang out at the airport. I'm tired! :)

Friday, December 14, 2007


Last night we all hit a wall, I think. We're getting pretty tired of hanging out in a hotel, no matter how nice it is! And of eating hotel food. Claire decided the only thing she is going to eat now are crackers and pretzels. Well, she and I had a little talk about it last night and we both missed dinner because of it. They were all so tired and hungry for some good home-cooked food, that everyone went to bed early. Devin had a cold all day yesterday, and woke up still sniffly, but better. I woke up feeling nasty, and so did Andrew, so it's our turn to be sick. I'm sure that Josh and Claire aren't far behind. *Sigh* That's one thing that I will NOT miss being in Africa. The seasons don't change, so you don't get the spring/fall colds, or the winter flu epidemics. Of course, there are different things malaria, dengue fever, mango worms, and the myriad of other things that no one has even named yet...but I suppose that's all part of the experience, eh?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Walk in the Park

So, this morning, to keep away the stir crazy bug and to let housekeeping enjoy their time in our room (he he he!) we took a walk outside! It's a beautiful day--about 60 F, and cloudy. That's ok, though, because my transition lenses work even when it's cloudy! Neato!! It's supposed to rain this afternoon, so we decided to take advantage of the warmness early. There is a pond just outside of the hotel with a nice walking path all around it, so off we went! There were even some fun geese! I forgot the camera our first time around, so we went back to the room, picked up the camera, and went around the pond again. Here is our fun:

This is our hotel where we're staying, Staybridge Suites:

Here are the happy kiddies! Josh wanted to have a picnic on this picnic table. Unfortunately, it was all wet and covered with goose droppings. Gross!

Josh begged and begged to take a picture, so I let him! Here is his photography! (Can you tell that my transition lenses are working? Sweet, eh?)

Here's Josh watching the geese swim. Love the boots...

Being by the airport, we see lots and lots of airplanes flying low overhead! Andrew gets a kick out of them! :)

Andrew and Claire hanging out in the stroller eating granola bars. The geese are enjoying their swim in the background.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


You know, I don't believe you ever fully appreciate that musical sound until you have to live in a hotel for an extended period of time with small children. In high school, we used to make fun of that statement. Later, I never really thought about it. But today, I left with the kids to make use of the laundry facilities (which are INCREDIBLY cool, by the way! They have the front loading washing machines, so that kept the kids happily occupied for half an hour watching the spinning clothes and soap suds come and go. It was so much fun!)--and I came back an hour later to hear the dishwasher running, the sink clean, the bathrooms cleaned and tidied, new soap and shampoo in the complimentary baskets, beds made, table cleared, books straightened--HEAVEN!!! As cheesy as this sounds, I walked in and honestly teared up! Ha! What a fantastic thing to have it all done. I did straighten up this morning, just so you don't think the place was a disaster when the maid service came in, but oh it was just even better than before and took such a weight off my shoulders. If this is what it will be like to have a full-time housekeeper, then I am sold!! I'll take it!!


My poor kids! Yesterday had to be one of the worst days of this whole transition time. I have vowed to make today better! I don't think they even noticed that I was in the room! It was rather funny at times though (now, of course, not at the time...), especially when I let Josh watch Scooby Doo. He sat with that blank look on his face. I tried to talk to him multiple times, and he just stared at the screen. Finally, I had to break the spell (turn off the tv) and he looked over at me like he didn't know what was going on. Then I made him sit at the table to eat lunch. I told them if they sat at the table, I'd even let them finish their show while they ate lunch (bad mom, I know)! So, I got them all settled, and placed their sandwiches in front of them, and turned Scooby Doo back on...and Josh 'went away'! It was hilarious! He all of a sudden didn't move a muscle--just stared as hard as he could! I told him he needed to eat his sandwich or I'd turn off the tv...and he didn't even so much as blink! I repeated the same phrase to him about 5 times before I turned off the tv. At that point, he continued to stare, but started to blink! Then he looked at me, and asked me why I turned it off! I couldn't believe it! Sufficeth to say, it took him half an hour to eat half a sandwich, and it was most definitely NOT a pleasant experience for anyone involved!

After Scooby Doo ended, Claire wanted to watch Muppets From Space. Since Andrew was still sleeping, I said ok. As soon as I turned it on, they started to 'dance about and burst into song' (I love that show...) and act like crazy wild maniacs! *sigh* Once again, they didn't even acknowledge my presence, but pretended I wasn't even there. Although, this time they were much more animated about it. It was very frustrating.

Here are some cameos from the day of boredom...

Josh found a new place to 'sit' while watching tv:

Here is Josh actually WATCHING the movie!! That cannot be comfortable!!And here's Claire vegging out (I have no idea why my font is now bold and underlined...)And here is Andrew...this is his favorite thing to do: Wedge himself between the wall and the nightstand and push the power on and off on the alarm clock! Crazy kid! He sure seems to be enjoying himself, though!! :) (Again, I can't figure out why this is all underlined...)
Devin got to come home early because I went in for my next appointment at the dentist. Ah, the root canal process continues. I got my temporary crown put on yesterday. Ok, I feel pretty stupid. I always thought that a 'crown' on a tooth was just like what the word implies. A little cap on or around the tooth. I did not know it was the whole visible tooth in its entirety!!! I was a more than a little freaked out when the dentist stopped for a moment, and I felt that my tooth was shaved all the way down to the gum! WEIRD!!!!!!! Then she makes this funny little temporary tooth, and glues it on!! It felt like I was getting a prosthetic limb! What a strange sensation! Especially that she could shave my whole tooth off, and I had no idea! Nice that I didn't feel anything, though. I get my permanent crown on Monday...the day before we fly out. Oh boy.

While I was being crowned, Devin took the kids to get Andrew's last rabies shot. Poor little kid! But, now he's done! Well, he does have to get a few more routine shots, but not for another month or so, and we can get them there. Josh and Claire fell asleep in the car. *blah* That set bedtime back by a few hours.

After the coronation and vaccination, we turned in our apartment keys. I am so sad to say good bye to our rental manager, Aldine. She has been SO nice to us! She was the whole reason we even got into our wonderful apartment! I know the kids will miss her. They always asked to go visit Aldine. She is a gem, and we'll all miss her a lot!

We ate dinner at the kids' favorite restaurant: Old Country Buffet! That's always a fun dining experience. I like to take the kids to buffets, as they can eat whatever they want, and the atmosphere is much more relaxed. I will be sad not to have buffets anymore in Africa, but, hey, what can you do? At least we'll not be tempted anymore! Ha!!

Bedtime came late, and everyone was sad. But, we survived another day with a promise to do better the next one. Today I have lots of plans, and I hope they all turn out ok! I would love to have my happy, loving, obedient children back! I guess we're all stressed out...but we'll survive!

***I suppose normally, I would write two different posts, but since this one hasn't been published by me yet, and I wrote it this morning, I'll add on the rest of today!

We had a nice day. In my housekeeping post I already mentioned our laundry fun...that took up all our morning! Yea!! Andrew took a nap after a quick lunch of tuna sandwiches (but Josh doesn't like tuna, and since Devin took the Peanut butter to work today, Josh got a jam sandwich. He didn't complain.) and Josh and Claire got to hang out on the floor with lots of fluffy hotel pillows and blankets and watch Scooby Doo. Today was NOT as bad as yesterday, even though Josh did zone somewhat. Happens, I guess.

After Andrew's nap, we went to a place called Frying Pan Park. It's a working farm that you can walk through and see all the animals. It was so fun!! I didn't know it was a self-guided type thing, so at first I was somewhat wary of entering, but I finally did, and we had a ball! We saw newborn calves, TONS of pigs--some of the biggest pigs I've ever seen!!!!--and they STINK!!! We saw sheep, goats, chickens, roosters, ducks, cows, turkeys...even a peacock!! Are those normal farm animals?? The peacock cracked me up! There were horses over by the tot-lot, so Andrew and I stood and pointed at the horses while Josh and Claire ran around playing. The horse must have been hungry because he kept trying to eat the fence. Andrew LOVED seeing the animals!! Josh and Claire enjoyed it, too, I think, but not like Andrew did!! :) I could have kicked myself for forgetting the camera!! They would have been fun pictures!! It was pretty cold and 'spitty'--that nice foggy/rainy/sprinkly stuff. We had fun anyway. We got to take the hotel shuttle there since they take you anywhere within a three mile radius! And the coolest thing: The hotel shuttle is a Hummer!!!! Sweet!!! I'll take pictures tomorrow. I'm planning outings to the local library and also to the Air and Space museum, so we'll have more coming!! :)

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Break Time

I need a break from moving and cleaning this morning, so I thought I would post the pictures from our ward Christmas party last night!

Josh and Claire are excited! We got there early to help set up and do some cooking.

Here I am cooking the chicken nuggets and velveeta mac & cheese. Yes, we had those at our Christmas party! People seem to think that children don't like ham, turkey, veggies and potatoes, so we had children's tables and their own special food. I cooked TWENTY trays FULL of chicken nuggets, and TEN packages of velveeta mac & cheese. I must say, that after squeezing the velveeta cheese out of 10 foil packages, I'm glad I wasn't eating it!!! Gross!! Velveeta is for fish, right? Oh, and these are my new glasses, for anyone who was curious as to what they looked like. :)

All the kids on the stage to sing some fun Christmas carols....

"Once there was a Snowman!!" Josh is in this pic...can you find him?

S: "Have you been a good boy this year?"
J: "Yah. Are those candy canes over there?"
S: "Yes, you can have one, go ahead!"
Ha! Josh didn't even sit and tell him what he wanted. Well, I suppose he did tell him what he wanted: A candy cane! And he got one! Funny!

This was a lucky shot! They set Claire down in his lap, and she started to cry! Then Santa pointed me out, and she looked over sort of smiling, so I got a good one! Then she jumped up and ran for the candy cane!! My poor deprived children! Ha!! Who cares about Santa! I want that candy!! (Did you know that 'Santa' spelled backwards is 'Satan'? Thanks, Dad...)

All in all, it was a fun night!! We ate and talked a lot and enjoyed time with our friends here. I will miss all the wonderful people here!!

Ok, back to the cleaning. I've scoured the bathrooms, Devin is working on the kitchen, so it's on to the windows and the vacuuming, so we really are getting close! yea!!!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

A Duo

Devin seems to think that since I wrote yesterday, I shouldn't have to write again today. Well, I will now prove him wrong! HA!!!! There's always tons of things to write about, especially when you're ME!! :) So, I have him here with me, and we are going to write things about our day just to show how much there is to say in just a 24 hour period... You start:

D: It was a wonderful day in the neighborhood of Nortel telephones. I am beginning to feel comfortable adding any type of phones to a Meridian PBX system now. By the end of next week, I'll know about adding trunks as well. No, that doesn't have anything to do with elephants, even though we are going to Africa... I'm speaking of outside phone lines. Ok, that's about as exciting as it gets. Back to you Em. :)

E: *Sigh* I have no idea what you're talking about, but it sounds super cool! :) That's because I'm married to a super cool guy! Ok, I know your day was much more exciting than that, because I called you on a cell phone a few minutes before you got to work worrying about the weight on our shipment and making you do a lot of legwork for me so that the movers didn't get mad at me for how much junk we have--no, HAD-- sitting in our den!!! Yikes!! Isn't it fun to get a phone call from your wife when she's stressed out and almost hysterical? I always seemed to think that would be a pretty fun and memorable thing.

So, yes, we had movers today. They were pretty funny guys. The head guy kept shaking his head at everything and saying "It just ain't gonna work", and the other guy just jumped right in and plowed through! Ha! Andrew kept trying to walk out the door, and I think he ate one too many oranges today!! Oooops!! Josh and Claire were extremely happy, because I let them watch yet another movie, only this time they got to watch it in Andrew's room. The reason this is such a treat is because we have Andrew's windows covered with insulation, so it's super dark in there. So, they turned off the lights, snuggled in their sleeping bags, and enjoyed a movie on the extremely minuscule screen of the portable dvd player! :) What fun! Then Matt and Thomas came over and brought fun toys with them (thank you, Jen!!!) and I think everyone had fun! The movers were in and out in about 2 hours, and we were just within our weight limit, despite the constant comment, "This just ain't gonna work" I think he was the maddest at the 6 or so trash bags full of clothes. We have too many clothes. But when I go through all the clothes, I like them all, so I don't give them away. I'm such a sucker! Oh well. I need to do better and just close my eyes and throw it in a bag!! :)

The rest of our afternoon was spent eating donuts and continuing watching movies and playing with toys. Josh discovered his long lost harmonica (or, as he calls it, his "Armica") and he and Claire took turns playing it while Andrew danced. That was hilarious! Actually, Claire didn't play it. She put it into it's box, then either shook it or blew on the box. That sort of defeated the purpose of the instrument, but she seemed to really enjoy it, so what do I know?

Thursday, December 6, 2007


A few days have passed in a flurry of excitement... Well, perhaps not quite excitement, but most definitely in a flurry! It snowed all day yesterday. Josh and Claire came into our room at about 6:30am all in a flutter: "Mom!!! Come and see out the window!! It's Christmas!!!!!" Of course, all that was out there was the slightest dusting of snow, but they were excited nonetheless. Josh really wanted it to snow before we left the country, so he got his wish. He kept asking me, "Mom, is it Christmas now? Can it be Christmas in Africa if there's no snow?" Poor kid. He's finally starting to understand holidays, and we get to mess it all up for him. I promise, though, that as soon as we get our stuff, we are going to throw the best darn Christmas he's ever seen! Complete with all the trimmings! (Well, maybe not all, but it's going to be cool!!) I'm sad that we don't get to decorate for it and enjoy it, too, but it will be ok. "I will survive!"

Yesterday the kids got to spend the entire day at a friends' house! I was there, too, though. My visiting teachers threw a little brunch for the sisters they visit, and so we went over. The only problem, though, was that I had no car. Devin is driving to work these days, so I'm stranded. Luckily, one of my visiting teachers has a big van, and she came and picked us up! So, it was a nice visit. We ended up staying all day, though, because after the brunch, Andrew took a nap, then she watched the kids while I went in for my root canal. She even let me drive her van to the dentist! Now there's a great visiting teacher! :) I don't think I'll ever be able to thank her enough! Devin was supposed to get a ride, but it fell through at the last moment, so thanks to my visiting teacher, I was still able to get out and get to my appointment. So nice!

I was supposed to go to an enrichment activity last night, but didn't end up going. I left my house at about quarter to 7pm, because I had some errands to run. Well, it was snowing pretty hard, but as an Idaho girl, that doesn't phase me. What does, though, are the idiots on the road here! I think about 40 emergency vehicles passed me on my travels through the streets of Fairfax. Made it so I couldn't go quite as quickly...and I was only going about 10mph as it was! Oh well. I did end up having a few troubles with breaks and getting stuck, and the last time was a doozy! So, since there was absolutely no one around, and no cell phone on my person (since we are probably the only people in the world who refuse to have them...), I just prayed with all my heart saying that if I could just get out, I would go straight home and not go to the activity at all! Lo and behold, I had absolutely no problems after that. Well, I couldn't argue with that one, so I went home, and enjoyed a nice evening with my husband...watching Pride and Prejudiced (the A&E version with Colin Firth...and no, we didn't watch the entire thing)! :)

Our other days have been spent working on the house. I want to be out of here by noon on Saturday!! So I really just want to do only a little vacuuming on Saturday morning and call it good. I doubt that will happen, but it would certainly be nice!

Josh and Claire have been somewhat bored, and have been practicing their headstands:

Isn't that hilarious?!?!? And Andrew is still happy!!

We've played a lot of games and enjoyed all the extra space. I am wondering what our house will be like in Africa. I've seen pictures of it, but, of course, that doesn't give the exact feel of it, just an idea. I'm looking forward to all the extra space, though. I think it will be fun!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


'Desafios' is the word in Spanish for 'challenges'. Yesterday was a day of challenges for me, but also of the adjoining blessings. Yesterday morning, Devin and I went to the dentist to get a few fillings. Devin had one. I had three. The problem with my three, was that they had gone undetected for many years. They were underneath some VERY old fillings, and since every time I had previously been to the dentist in the past 5 years or so it happened upon a time when I was pregnant, I hadn't had x-rays of my teeth for quite some time. Oh dear! So, the doctor started in on my poor teeth. I must say that I think it the funniest thing when you're at the dentist and they are water and pieces of teeth/fillings are flying through the air. Disgusting. The dentist gets to wear a nice face mask. Why don't I? My glasses were plastered. I thought that was pretty gross! Anyway, the first two teeth were fine...for now. But, then she got to the third. Then came the verdict I had been dreading. Root canal. I am not looking forward to this. But, there are blessings with this: There was only ONE instead of THREE! That's a fantastic thing, since they are SO expensive. Also, I'm getting it done now before I had to suffer from terrible pain in Africa and not have any help there! Another blessing is that this is the first time in our married life that we actually have to funds to be able to pay for something like this. Still more blessings: I wasn't pregnant, so I could actually get the x-rays to get this done. They say that a very high percentage of miscarriages/premature labors and births are due to infections in the teeth/mouth! Isn't that amazing? So, what a blessing to have that found now instead of maybe having terrible complications during a later pregnancy. Lots of blessings from something that I deem to be pretty terrible. So, I'm grateful. Not for the root canal itself, but for all the things I'm learning lately about counting my blessings about every single little thing! I've always been a fairly positive person anyway, but this is making me even more so! :) Yea! Happy!! :)

Also yesterday, I went to the eye doctor. They had some specials going on at my eye doctor, so I thought it was about time to go in for my routine yearly exam, get my present pair of glasses adjusted (since Andrew fell on my face one day and bent them slightly...whenever I look down they tend to slide off my nose) and get a backup pair of glasses. So, I went in. I had my eye exam--my eye doctor is a crack up! Very nice guy, and I would recommend him to anyone. If anyone is ever in the area (Fairfax, VA) and need an eye doctor, let me know! :) So, I went to pick out my glasses, and with the help of the girls out on the floor, I got some very trendy ones. I never thought I'd get the dark plastic frames...well, I did. I think they actually looked really good on me, too. I got the transition lenses, too, which will be pretty handy on sunny days...(thankfully Devin thought that was a pretty cool thing, too...) and I got a free pair of sunglasses with my eye exam! :) That was my big blessing from the eye doctor. Because I am leaving the country, he went ahead and did the major overhaul eye exam--where he dilated my eyes, and took pictures--he even showed them to me, and it was fantastic!, and did lots of extra things with my eyes, checking for glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure (I didn't know you could check for diabetes and high blood pressure in your eyes....interesting, eh??) or anything else that might be out of the ordinary or of concern. Thankfully, my eyes are healthy and happy. Thank goodness! So, after spending my next 7 Christmases worth on glasses, I walked out of the eye doctor, and lo and behold, thought I was going to pass out!! I had forgotten that he had dilated my eyes! The sun was out and shining as brightly as possible!! I could barely get to the car! I finally found my clip-on sunglasses by feel, and attached them to my glasses, but it wasn't enough! I had to get to the grocery store to fill out some prescriptions (I'm on antibiotics, and Josh needed some more eczema cream), but by the time I got to the second stop light, tears were streaming down my face. I could barely keep my eyes open! The sun felt like it was burning my eyes straight through! I didn't know what I was going to do! Then, I remembered that I had just gotten another pair of sunglasses for free! Luckily, they were super dark! So, I put them on, TOO, and with the doubled up sunglasses, I was finally able to see! Ha!! I probably looked pretty funny--I had 3 pairs of glasses on! :) But, who cares? I could see, and was no longer a hazard on the road! Good grief! So, I was able to get the prescriptions, and some ice cream to make myself feel better! :) Then, I went home and collapsed! :) The nice thing is, after the dentist, I dropped Devin and the kids off here at home so I could go to the eye doctor and the store by myself. The whole time I was gone, Andrew slept, so the kids watched a movie! So, Devin didn't have to stress out! I'm glad. What a day!! Full and fun and tiring.

Today, we took our family picture. Any votes on which is best??

It's a little off-center, but we can fix that later...

The back drop was falling apart by this time...

Aren't they just so cute?!?

Friday, November 30, 2007


Yes, it's FRIDAY!!! My favorite day of the week! Although, I'm not sure that today will be too extremely fun since Josh has a Dr. appointment, and he needs to get about 5 shots. He's not too pleased about that. I suppose I shouldn't have told him that, yes, he would be getting shots today, but he asked that question specifically, and I couldn't lie to him! I didn't tell him how many, though. I think he will be none too pleased! I did tell him that if he was really brave, he could have some candy afterward. We'll see. I just hope that after he gets his shots, he doesn't do like he did last time: He refused to walk. He said the shots made it so he couldn't feel his legs anymore, so he just sat on the ground! Luckily, Devin was there with me at the time, so between the two of us, we were able to carry all three kids. Today I'm not going to be so lucky! I can barely even hold Andrew anymore! That kid is solid! So, if Josh refuses to get up today (and when he does it, Claire does it, too, since she idolizes her brother), I'm going to be in trouble! I don't think I'll be able to manage carrying all 3 of them by my lonesome. Especially since I've been having so much trouble with my back lately. I'm just hoping and praying that it all goes well!

So, there are only just over 2 weeks left for us here in the good ol' US of A. I keep forgetting it's that close! I don't want to talk about it.

We played 'horsey' today. Normally, my games of 'horsey' don't last very long, due to the fact that my back just doesn't hold out as long as it used to. Today, though, I really enjoyed the game!! Here's why: JOSH was the horsey! Claire loved it...and now, we'll play horsey any time!!