I need a break from moving and cleaning this morning, so I thought I would post the pictures from our ward Christmas party last night!

Josh and Claire are excited! We got there early to help set up and do some cooking.

Here I am cooking the chicken nuggets and velveeta mac & cheese. Yes, we had those at our Christmas party! People seem to think that children don't like ham, turkey, veggies and potatoes, so we had children's tables and their own special food. I cooked TWENTY trays FULL of chicken nuggets, and TEN packages of velveeta mac & cheese. I must say, that after squeezing the velveeta cheese out of 10 foil packages, I'm glad I wasn't eating it!!! Gross!! Velveeta is for fish, right? Oh, and these are my new glasses, for anyone who was curious as to what they looked like. :)

All the kids on the stage to sing some fun Christmas carols....

"Once there was a Snowman!!" Josh is in this pic...can you find him?

S: "Have you been a good boy this year?"
J: "Yah. Are those candy canes over there?"
S: "Yes, you can have one, go ahead!"
Ha! Josh didn't even sit and tell him what he wanted. Well, I suppose he did tell him what he wanted: A candy cane! And he got one! Funny!

This was a lucky shot! They set Claire down in his lap, and she started to cry! Then Santa pointed me out, and she looked over sort of smiling, so I got a good one! Then she jumped up and ran for the candy cane!! My poor deprived children! Ha!! Who cares about Santa! I want that candy!! (Did you know that 'Santa' spelled backwards is 'Satan'? Thanks, Dad...)
All in all, it was a fun night!! We ate and talked a lot and enjoyed time with our friends here. I will miss all the wonderful people here!!
Ok, back to the cleaning. I've scoured the bathrooms, Devin is working on the kitchen, so it's on to the windows and the vacuuming, so we really are getting close! yea!!!!
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