We went to a party hosted at the Marine House on Saturday afternoon, and it was such fun! We ate lots of picnicky food (like hot dogs and potato salad), had an Easter Egg hunt, bobbed for rubber duckies (which only Andrew did...Claire and Josh refused!!), and had a three legged race! We enjoyed time with friends even though it was a SCORCHING HOT day!!! Seriously! I was wishing for some of the nice cool weather I keep hearing about in the states!! Whew!!! And at the end of our fun at the Easter party, the kids each got a basket full of lots of Easter candy (which we actually had to hide from them when we got home, then Devin switched the candy from those baskets into their real Easter baskets, and hid them Easter morning...and the kids were none the wiser!! Ha!!)
Here we have Claire smiling and happy, because she is eating!! Mmmm...hot dogs... (Or 'chaud chien'...which is a really funny translation and our French teacher laughs at it all the time...)
And we have, of course, the looking for the Easter eggs, which is a must at any Easter party function. Here we have Andrew, holding his egg that he found.
Claire with her friend...they found an egg!
Josh found one of the special Golden Eggs, and he's showing everyone.
Here is Claire with her friend as they search for Easter eggs.
Here we have Andrew, bobbing for duckies!! He he he... He actually just reached in and grabbed one, but for a minute there I thought Devin was really going to dunk his whole head! :)
The all-time favorite: The Three Legged Race!!
Here is Josh and his partner trying really hard to go...they just couldn't catch on. It was so funny, though! Josh got SO ticked off!! Hee hehee.. (And you can see that Andrew cheated, as he's being carried through the race instead of having his leg tied to someone else...)
And what better way to finish off a fun hot day than to smother frosting all over your face? (Andrew kept trying to hand his handfull of mushed up cupcake and frosting to the poor guy sitting next to him. Apparently, not everyone likes 'abc' cupcakes. Who knew?)
Here we are the next day: Easter morning for the traditional Easter basket search:
Happy Josh has his Easter basket...
Claire found her basket, too! Yea!!
Here I am with my Easter basket...and the kids who want my chocolate!! (I only got 2 twix!! and I'm having a bad hair day...)
And we ended our nice Easter Sunday with a dinner with friends and LOTS of missionaries!!! I remember thinking that it was somewhat overwhelming to cook dinner for 2 Elders...now there are SIX Elders and a couple!! :) What fun!!
It was a nice weekend. I was super sick on Friday, which was ok, because Devin stayed home, and our housekeeper ended up coming even though it was a holiday. She's so good to us!! But, I got better, and we had a nice weekend after all. :)