The little cluster map off to the side is SO COOL! I hope you don't mind, Jaclyn, that I stole the idea from your blog! wow!! I've always thought maps were awesome, but the coolest thing about this map is seeing where all the people are who have seen my blog! All my family and friends around the world!! Now I need to make friends in Asia, and get my little bro in Australia to look at it so there's a dot in every continent of the world! Neat! The only one I'd be missing is Antarctica...who named that as a continent, anyway? The only things that live there are penguins and polar bears...It's colder than Rexburg and Russia, and that's saying something!! :)
It's time to post a few pictures, as I haven't done so for awhile:
We had some friends over, and with all the kids, we decided to do a Tower O' Kiddies! What a riot!!

I know, I know...who wants to see a bunch of naked babies?? But I think this is so funny! All three of them in the bath. They each had a car in each hand and were 'vroom'-ing them around! I think I'll post the video of it, too...I think it's funny!
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