I've had a nice last week in Yaounde! Last Saturday I had a big surprise! We took the kids to their swimming lessons as usual, and since it was my last Saturday here, I thought it would be fun to try finding somewhere to eat (hard to do here, I know, but it IS possible...even though EVERYTHING is deep fried in peanut or palm oil...) So, we asked around to see if anyone had any recommendations. Then, we stopped home (well, we had to since the police had all the main roads blocked off...) to get Devin's wallet. On our way back out, Devin got a phone call. Someone needed him to stop by and give a little help. Ok. I'm pretty used to that. So, we get to the people's house, and Devin jumps out and says he'll only be a minute. A minute later, he comes jogging out and says that they need to talk to me. ?What? Whatever. So, I walk down in, and out jump about 30 people--Surprise!!! They had thrown me a baby shower!!! I was SUPER impressed that everyone was able to keep that a secret for as long as they did. According to Devin, it had been in the works for about 2 months!!! (Yes, Devin has become AMAZING at keeping secrets. It's that top secret security clearance, I think.) It was so fun and so thoughtful of everyone to do that! I do LOVE surprises, so even though I had just come from swimming, I enjoyed myself still. It was fun to have so many friends all together!
Other than that, it's been the daily battle of sick kids. I forgot to mention last week that Claire and Andrew got nice and sick. Andrew had a fever for a couple of days, and Claire's only lasted a day. Last Thursday, I think it was, both Claire and Andrew fell asleep at 4:30 in the afternoon....and slept until after 6am!!!! Wow!!! It was so strange! Devin came home an hour later and it was super quiet inside the house and just Josh and I were hanging out in the living room waiting for dinner! So crazy! But after that marathon sleep everyone felt much better. I just keep hoping and praying that there are no 'sickos' on the airplane. I know I'd just have to deal with it, but I'd rather just focus on getting to the US safely. One time when we were flying out West, there was a lot of turbulence as we came closer to the Denver airport. I was sitting between Josh and Claire. Well, apparently, the turbulence didn't sit well with those two, because just as we were beginning out descent, they both turned to me at the same time with pale faces and said, "I don't feel good mom!" and they both started throwing up ALL OVER ME!!! Unfortunately, there were no 'barf bags' in the seats in front of us, and since we were going down fast, I couldn't jump up and take them to the bathroom or something, so I just sat there and let them get it all out. (And I was VERY surprised at some of the looks and glares people gave me as my poor kids were sick all over me. What? What's your problem? They're not throwing up on YOU--unless you keep looking at me like that!) When we landed, we just sat there as everyone else jumped off the plane as fast as possible, and then the flight attendants came over to change the seat cushions and give us a bag to throw our nasty clothes into. Ah, the joys.
Anyway, I also finished Andrew's stocking this week. Thus the main reason why I haven't posted anything. I've spent every night this week sewing his stocking together so I could take it on the airplane with everyone else's. Now we all have stockings. I don't have to make another one until next year! Yea!!
We packed up all the bags last Sunday. I had a checklist of what I wanted to bring, so I sat on the floor by the bags and sent the kids on a 'scavenger hunt' to find everything on the list! The kids really enjoyed themselves, and I got it all done! This is ALL that I'm taking on the plane (other than the kids, the double stroller and their 'leashes'! For those of you who remember the post about leashes vs strollers, well, I decided to go for the overkill and do both! I think it will be good, and both Andrew and Claire are excited for their backpacks!)
Since I have to go through security about 50 times, I decided it would be more prudent and simple if I just bypassed the whole checked baggage thing. There's no reason for me to bring more. We don't have any winter clothes, and there's only three of us traveling. The kids are fairly low maintenance, so why bring more? Hope it all goes well! I still can't believe that we leave tomorrow night...
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