We had such a wonderful anniversary!! Wow! It was just so much fun! Unfortunately, through the whole time I kept thinking to myself how sad it was that I had forgotten the camera. Sadly, as we were checking out of the hotel after all our fun activities, I realized that I had had the camera the whole entire time with us in the diaper bag! (yes, I brought the diaper bag with us on our anniversary overnighter...force of habit. Sorry.) Oh well. It was still fun, and for most of the things we did, there are links somewhere to go see...
So, first of all, we drove down to Idaho Falls for dinner. We went to Outback Steakhouse. I've never been there before. Of course, they say they're Australian, but Daniel (my recently returned home from Australia brother) says that it's really not very authentic. But, it was tasty nonetheless. We shared a giant steak, and I couldn't even eat the whole thing! Wow! It's so strange to be eating so much meat...
Anyway, after that, we went and checked into our hotel. We stayed at a place called
Destinations Inn in Idaho Falls. WOW!! What a cool place! It's technically a bed and breakfast, and by far the coolest place I have ever stayed in my entire life!! Since I didn't get to take any pictures, I HIGHLY recommend going to the link I put in and checking it out! It was a theme B&B. Each and every room was decorated for a different city in the world. Athens, Rome, Paris... We stayed in the New York room. It was so cool! The statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park...Times Square has a huge projector screen that comes down in front of it and you can watch a movie on the big screen while sitting on the bed (which is a HUGE circle on a 'broadway stage'), there's a huge jacuzzi tub with a fire hydrant at the head of it... It was so cool! They had a huge bottle of sparkling apple cider and cheesecake sitting in the room waiting for us when we got there...and they delivered breakfast to us: A giant warm cinnamon roll, yogurt over granola with fresh berries on top, lots of juice and hot cocoa... It was so wonderful!! :)
After we had checked into our hotel, we went to a Kurt Bestor concert. My mom had tickets from work (hope no one from Melaluca is reading this...) and she gave them to us so we could have something fun and different to do. So, we went. The first hour of the concert, however, was kind of a pep rally for work! Ha!! Lots of speeches about how they're doing well and everyone is working hard... devin and I both took much needed naps! :) So, that was good. We almost left, too, but I wanted to stay at least for one song so we could say that we enjoyed it... :) Well, we ended up staying for all the music. Once it started, we had a ball! It was a fun concert and I enjoyed it! We got to hear Jenny Oaks Baker, too, and that was fantastic! :)
After the concert, we went in search of an 'anniversary' type movie to watch on our big screen. So, we got Mr. Bean's Holiday (ha ha ha) and Just Like Heaven. Then we enjoyed our hotel room o' fun and the weirdness of having a whole night without the kids around. :)
The next day, we spent Christmas shopping for the kids and getting a few things that Devin needed that he hadn't brought with him. It was just so much fun, and so relaxing! A very fun anniversary! :)