It's been super cold here (thanks to my mom for turning the heat off completely during the day...he he he) so Devin built a fire yesterday:
The kids loved it! Josh even went outside and helped Devin bring in the firewood, and Andrew tested the fireplace to make sure it was hot ( a nice blister on one of his fingers. I was grateful it wasn't worse, though...)
We've also decided that it's important for all of us to have at least a few hours of some good old fashioned physical exercise... So we've been taking trips to the church gym during the day. The kids run and throw balls and ride little bikes and scooters all over... Devin runs laps, and my mom and I walk. It's nice.
This is a long shot, but you can see all of the kids if you look closely...
Andrew is trying out Josh's scooter! He just stands next to it and grins, then gives it back to Josh. Pretty funny!
Sorry this one is so dark, but Claire and Andrew were sure having fun rolling around the big exercise ball! Andrew likes to try to climb on top of it, and he giggles a lot as he can't do it.
Although, I think for tomorrow's PE, we're going to go sledding! Woohoo!
Since Josh is 'out' of school right now, we've had school time every day together. It's been so much fun! Claire and Josh are very studious students. I have lots of fun things for them to do, and we keep very busy for about 2 hours, which I think it pretty appropriate. We've colored pictures, written stories, done fun math games and workbooks, looked up virtual tours of paper making on the internet, listened to book on cd... It's been great! :) It keeps my mind off all the waiting... By the way, Christa, how much Castor Oil???
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