He has his new backpack and lunchbox.
Ready to get on that 'bus'! :))
A new family photo:
He was so excited to be back in school! I went to his school later, and found him and his class sitting outside eating their morning snack. He was shoveling it in, Joshua-style, and barely glanced my way! Ha! I had a chance to talk to his new teacher for a moment. She is a cute girl from Syria! Very nice--loves the kids. She was there last year, and Josh already knows her (and she knows Josh) which is always helpful. He showed me his new classroom, and even chased after the car as I was leaving! What a kid! He is happy to be back in school...and so am I! :)
However, Claire is not so happy. She wanted to go to school with Josh so badly! I just couldn't fathom paying the $3000+ for ONE SEMESTER of PRESCHOOL!!! So, since I have a nanny and a housekeeper (which are much cheaper than that, by the way) already here, I am now using them to specifically play with Peter and Andrew for 2 hours in the morning so I can do 'school' with Claire! She loves it! She was so excited this morning, that as soon as Pascaline and Meekness got here, she said, "Now take Andrew so I can be with mom for SCHOOL TIME!!!"
It was a nice time, too! :) We learned about air--where it comes from, how we can't see it or smell it, but if we waves our arms around or blow we can feel it a little... and we did a little science experiment:
(Those are 3x5 cards with tape in the circle. After one week, we'll check and see if any particles are stuck to it. We're seeing if our air is clean.)
We made zucchini bread (lots of 'chemistry'--she loved it!!) We painted papers with yarn to make worms (although, she didn't appreciate this one, as she got paints on her hands). We learned more about the letter 'E'.
It must have been a success, because she said to me near the end, "Mom, I LOVE having special time with you!" Melt my heart! I think I'll keep doing this!
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