Friday, January 30, 2009

Draper Temple Open House

We went to the Open House for the new Draper Temple! It was so neat to take the kids there! :)

Getting on the shuttle bus that took us up to the temple:

All the kids happily sitting on the bus with grandma, grandpa and Aunt Kristen! :)

The walkway going to the temple...and thank goodness it was there! It was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!

Eating some cookies after the tour:

Our family photo! Peter is in my little Slingling! :) He was SO happy and content in that thing, and so was I! :) (Thanks Rosie!!)

All the family!

I love to see the temple,
I'm going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit,
To listen and to Pray.

For the temple is the House of God,
A place of love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young;
This is my sacred duty.

I love to see the temple,
I'll go inside someday.
I'll covenant with the Father,
I'll promise to obey.

For the temple is a holy place
Where we are sealed together!
As a child of God I've learned this truth:
A family is forever!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

St. George and Zion's: The "Rock Stars"

As if no one could tell that we were in St. George for a few days. We decided to visit my wonderful grandparents and see a few national parks and enjoy some warmer weather. It was a really nice respite. We got to take the kids to a park OUTSIDE without freezing to death! Yea!!! :) (Sadly, I forgot the camera on that outing...) We spent 2 hours there and the kids ran and ran and ran! What fun!

We also got to visit Zion's National Park. We did get some fun pictures, but we spent most of our trip inside the car since it was super cold, raining, and windy. Oh well. By the time we were ready to leave, we got some sunshine, so Dev and I left the van for a few minutes with the kids and tried to walk down a trail, but it ended up being too muddy. But, the kids enjoyed being outside. So, here are a few picture momentos of our quick drive through Zion's:

Josh is ready to go...with his belt over the top of his clothes in order to hold his keys... :)

I will mostly just let the pictures tell the story, but I'll add a few little notes as you go through your picture tour of Zions...

We took my parent's giant Chevy van down so we could fit massive amounts of people wherever we went... :) It looks like a Hot Wheels vehicle in front of those mountains!!!

Some cute kiddie Candids:

Zion's in all her majesty:

The three Patriarchs: Named for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

A Super cool mile long tunnel! My great grandfather helped build this tunnel! (We had to go straight up a mountain via some crazy switchbacks and I think my grandmother and I were both hyperventilating by the time we reached the top!!! And talk about suffocation as you thought about the rest of the mountain that you were going UNDER....)

A window in the tunnel...pretty scary! We were up SO HIGH!!! (Kind of blurry...but you get the idea...)


So long, Zion's! :)

After Zion's, we HAD to stop at In-N-Out Burger in Washington City...Mmmmm...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Feeding the Ducks

Another tradition at Grandma's house: We go out on the golf course after hours, and feed the ducks! Unfortunately, the ducks were avoiding us, but the kids enjoyed running around on the green grass, the bridge over the lake, and drinking water out of the little white cone-shaped cups. They had so much fun! (Even though it was was still warm. Love St. George!)

Great-Papa and Andrew walking in the rain:

The kiddies (we left Peter at home with Grandma, though...):

All those umbrellas!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bread Day

It was always something so fun for us to do: Making homemade bread/rolls/scones with grandma!! And now, my kids are getting to do it, too! :)

Grandma and Claire:


Andrew (opted to drive his cars instead of making bread...):

Mmmmm...gotta love it! :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Funny Kid

Devin and I went to the store (so much fun!!!) and we took only Andrew with us! :) Here he is so happy! :)

He also got a 'yummy' snack from grandma one day while we were out...and we could tell that he had eaten something yummy:

I guess he really likes freeze-dried blueberries! What a kid! :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Outing

Here is Peter's first outing into the real world:

Jamba Juice! Mmmmmmm....

Carpenter Shop

Josh's school class is talking about housing and building materials. So, in order to keep up with his classmates, I've been getting creative with the 'field trips'. I just happen to have a dad who does that kind of stuff for a living, so we got to go up to the BYU-Idaho Carpenter Shop and have a tour! :) Here are a few pics from our fun adventure:

We're here for a tour!! :)

By a HUGE sanding machine:

A Chop Saw:

Andrew hiding in a giant cabinet:

Showing the cabinet:

A Table Saw!

Andrew's Earphones:

Devin's Earphones:

Building the 'Mini' Conference Center:

Thanks for the tour dad! The kids LOVED it! :) And they got some pieces of wood and keys and some crackers and even an oreo cookie!! :)