Sunday, February 17, 2008

Did You Know?

Did you know:

When Claire needs to go 'potty', she either does this fantastic spastic dance, or she pretends she's on a trampoline (jumping up and down), and she whimpers a lot until someone finally asks her if she needs to go...then she'll say yes and run to the bathroom!

Andrew still doesn't talk very much, but he'll point and cry until you finally find what he wants, then he'll grin and make a funny grunting noise, and you know you've found it.

Despite the 90 degree temperatures, Josh still prefers his 'Dash Boots' (Long Live Napoleon Dynamite!!), because, as he puts it, it takes too long to put on his other shoes on (which are slip-on loafers and sandals)!!

The other day, Josh was talking to a friend of mine(who speaks fluent French due to the fact that her mother was French) and he said, "I know French. 'Gracias'! See?" And she said, "Well, Josh, I think that's Spanish." "No," says Josh, "I'm pretty sure it's French." They argued about that for a minute until Josh says, "I also know 'Merci'!" And my friend says, "Yes, that's French!" And Josh says, "Yah, just like 'Gracias'!" My poor kids are so mixed up... But at least he can be polite in three languages!! :)

At the Yaounde International Airport, most flights come in at night. When they know a plane is coming, they turn on the lights for the runway, etc. After the plane takes off to leave, they turn the lights off, and everyone goes home. (Devin says he once saw three planes there at once! Busy night!)

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