The rioting in the streets here continues. Everyone thought that the strike was over yesterday, as apparently the heads of the taxi unions made a deal to lower some prices. But the deal was so minuscule as to really be superfluous. Then came the seal on the anger and unhappiness of the people. Last night, the president announced he was going to make a speech to his people. I believe that the president here could use some lessons on diplomacy. The guy has been president for well over 25 years and people are really angry about it! But because no one wants to have a civil war or die, they've just let it slide. It appears, though, that last night the president told the people (in not so simple terms) that he really doesn't care about them at all. He acknowledged the rioting and looting and killings, and then said "I have the power and the means to stop you!" Well, if that isn't asking for trouble, I don't know what is!! And besides, if he does have that power, then why hasn't he done so? I wonder if he has any kids? This, to me, is typical parenting skills when it comes to settling disputes. You make deals; you pacify; you show love; you discuss what the differences are and try to settle them; you both do a little give and take, and everyone comes out the better, with more respect and allegiance on both sides. You don't just say, 'cut it out or I'll stop you!' If I were an angry citizen, I admit, that that would make me say, 'wanna make a bet????' So, everyone in our community here are more than a little nervous. There is still rioting, there's been reported looting and shooting (hey, that rhymes!) in the area. We've been told to limit or curtail any travel from our residences.
I've learned some very interesting things from this, though. I don't know if we'll be evacuated or not. At this moment, it is a strong possibility. Yesterday morning, as we were unpacking and putting things away, I began to lose my drive to do so. This is strange for me, as I LOVE to unpack and organize! I kept thinking to myself, "what's the point of unpacking if we're just going to have to leave and leave it all here anyway? Why should I go to the trouble if someone else is going to enjoy it?" I've been so obsessed with my shipments ever since they (the shipments) left my possession. I've worried whether they would ever come and complained about how slow they were in coming and how I just couldn't live without my stuff! Then, as I was slowly trying to organize the pantry shelves, the thought came to my mind, "Who cares if I have to leave it all behind???" I've done it before--LOTS of times!! What am I complaining about?? Yes, it took a lot of time and money to accumulate all that we have, but it IS replaceable. My family is not. My kids need stability, comfort, safety and happy parents! If I wander around sad because we might have to leave all our stuff, what message does that send to my kids, or, more importantly, to Heavenly Father? It's ok. If we get evacuated and have to leave everything behind, it will be ok! If we don't, that will be great, too! The point is, that it's not healthy to just sit around and wait. I decided to take a video inventory of everything we have for insurance purposes just in case we lose it all, and I found that as I videoed everything, I felt myself becoming detached. It was a strange sensation, but I believe it was a blessing from Heavenly Father--that if I have to let it all go, I long as I can take my most precious possessions with me--being, of course, my children--I have all I need and more!!
Last night, Devin and I sat down and wrote down the absolute necessities of what we would need should we get the 10 minute warning. We were extremely surprised at the length of the list. It was very short!! And we wondered at why we had been putting so much stock in what we didn't have from our shipments, when we really had SO MUCH already! And that we can survive on even less! It's definitely teaching me many lessons on humility, patience and trust. Again. It's too bad that it's starting to take big huge happenings like this to remind me once again of my responsibilities to my family and my God! But, at least I remember, right? :)
This morning, when I got up, I fully intended to tackle a few remaining projects that were left from our unpacking. I started doing a few things, but just couldn't concentrate. The thought kept coming to me that I needed to pack our 'go bag' now. We may not use it, but at least it will be done and my mind will be at rest! So, I went about gathering the few things for the bag...important papers, a change of clothes and pj's, diapers and wipes, a few books and fun things for the kids, toothbrushes and toothpaste... Not much can fit into a diaper bag and one roller! But it's all we need! And after I finished, I've been able to concentrate again on my projects and my kids. Oh, I hope that's not a premonition....
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