We have finally discovered the secret world of Andrew's language. I thought all this time that he didn't talk! I was really worried! Now we know that it's not true! He talks all the time! We just haven't been listening hard enough or thinking in terms of baby language and translation! Here is a list of things that he says:
Shoes (Shz)
Book (Ba)
Ball (Ba)
Bed (Ba)
Bike (Ba)
More (Ma)
Cow (Ma--for 'moo')
Cat (Ma--for 'meow')
Owl (Hoo)
That (Dat)
I want that (it's hilarious when he says that!)
Please (Eez or Pee)
Josh (Jaja)
Claire (La)
Socks (Sa)
Duck (Da)
Lion, Bear, etc. (Rar--and it's a whispered 'Rar' so it's really funny!)
This is a small list of things that he says...and now that I've discovered the logistics of his idea of how words work, it's much easier to understand him! yea!!
And here are some very happy kiddie candids! :)
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