Josh is cozy and comfy on the couch. Reminded me a bit of the Princess and the Pea. You have to ask yourself, Why? Who needs that many cushions??
(An interesting aside: He is watching My Little Pony! The original Saturday morning phenomenon from 1986! That was really funny to watch, and the kids LOVED it!! I'll have to see if I can't find some Smurfs! I think they'll like that, too!!)
Claire is showing off her nice baguette. Doesn't that just look yummy?!? The trick here, is, when you buy the bread, to find the one with the least amount of ants crawling on it. :) Oh, I love Africa! :)
We had our first Story time here at our house today, and I think it was a fun time had by all. Once I find my camera, I'll post the pictures and report on our fun morning! :)
On to some good news: I am not violently sick anymore! Yea!!! I think that after 6 weeks of sickness, it has finally left me. I consider myself very lucky compared to all the people who kept telling me their horror stories of how with their 3rd or 4th child, they were sick ALL nine months. I'm grateful to have been spared that. Maybe it's because there are no fast food joints, convenience stores or even grocery stores here that I (and my poor famished family) have been spared the 9 month long seasickness! So, I'm feeling happier, there's a spring in my step, and I'm enjoying foods and smells once more. I would still like a Big Mac, though.
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