Saturday, June 6, 2009


I'm still decluttering my house one day at a time. So far I have given away more than 700 things!!! Go ME!! The kids have helped me de-junk their books, toys and clothes; Devin helped de-junk a few things that I just couldn't do without him (his clothes and some electronic stuff)... It is so fabulous! And as I'm doing this, I'm wondering to myself, "Why have I kept all this excess baggage around????" I suppose it's that pack-rat in me. The one that sits on my shoulder and says, "You may need that someday!" or "One day you may end up liking that thing!" or "I think the kids sort of played with this once..." Yah. BUT this way, I give it to my housekeeper, or to other people from the branch who stop by, and if they can't use it, they find/know people who can--I am blessing literally hundreds of people by giving away all the excess stuff that we don't really need. It feels SOOOOOO good! It makes me beyond happy, and I know it makes others happy, too. Talk about compassionate service and consecration! Just thinking about the fact that all these things I have sitting around my house will leave here and be loved and gratefully used by someone who truly needs and appreciates it makes me feel that warm fuzzy feeling! As my housekeeper was taking out yet another box of stuff, she turned to me and said, "You know, Madame, you are making so many people happy--people you have never even met!" Oh, that made me feel so good!! And when I gave my guard a box of baby stuff (His wife had a baby on Easter--I even got to name the baby!! Did I ever tell that story??? It was so cool!) he took that box with a big smile and said, "She will really love these things!" Oh, happy heart!

I know that many people donate to charities. I think that is very commendable. However, I also think that most of this country is a charity. No one has anything. The charities do receive things from time to time from people, but what about the regular Cameroonians? Families without work? Children without clothing or anything to play with? It is so wonderful to help people and bless their lives--even though we don't know each other! We are all Children of God, however, so I am merely helping my brothers and sisters! :)

And the best part? I only 'declutter' once a day. I get rid of pounds and pounds of stuff, and there's no 'marathon' cleaning involved! I recommend this to everyone. It is liberating! Free yourselves of that clutter! Bless someone else's life with the stuff that is holding you down!

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