Saturday, June 27, 2009

Top Ten: Cameroon

Here are the Top Ten things I LOVE about Cameroon:

10. Banana trees in the back yard!! Avocado trees in the front yard!! Coconut trees next door!!

9. Tropical fruit (pineapples, mangoes, guavas, papayas...) available every single day for super cheap!!

8. Outdoor markets with cheap FRESH fruits and veggies EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR!!

7. It's ALWAYS warm! (Even when the people say it's cold, it's really warm.)

6. The rain storms here are, as they say here, WONDERFUL! SO much fun!

5. I have help all day!

4. You can have clothes made specifically for you by specially trained tailors at rock bottom prices!

3. People are almost always really nice to us.

2. Haggling is fun!

And the number one thing I love about Cameroon:

1. Scenery!! Beautiful, lush, green, tropical scenery!!

And, as there must needs be opposition in all things, here are the Top Ten things I really dislike about Cameroon:

10. It doesn't always smell so nice.

9. There are scores of mosquitoes--especially during rainy season.

8. There are a plethora of different diseases that you can get here and they really freak you out about it before you come...

7. There are no sidewalks for strollers or walking.

6. Driving here is incredibly insane, and people aren't very nice about it.

5. There are no addresses. It's practically impossible to find places unless you already know the places that are around it.

4. There really isn't a lot to do unless you're really adventurous and have a very large imagination.

3. I must admit that multiple power outages a day does get annoying.

2. No berries or winter squashes amongst the fresh fruit and veggie fare.

And the number one thing I really dislike:

1. LA BLANCHE!! (La Blanche is what everyone here yells when they see me. In Guatemala, it was 'Canchita' or 'Gringa'. It basically just means 'white chick'. It is irritating, though...)

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