Claire switched to being Tinker Bell, thanks to her newest birthday present from Grandma and Papa: A twinkling wand (she doesn't know that the bottom half of the wand is glittery lip gloss...and I don't think I'm going to tell her any time soon...)
Andrew was Batman, complete with cape:
Peter wanted to be like his big brother: (I made his cape the same time as Joshua's...isn't he CUTE??!?!??!?)
(That little white dot is the moon. It was seriously a perfect Halloween night! Too bad it didn't come out well with the camera. Someday we'll upgrade...but not yet...)
We decorated our car again with our super cool monster mouth!
This year, I sat inside and gave out the candy so I could keep off my toe. I REALLY enjoyed it! The looks on those kids' faces as they came up to a giant black mouth and said trick or treat was priceless...and even better when a hand popped out of the 'mouth' holding candy to stick in their bags! Hilarious!!
Lots of other decorated cars:
Oh what fun to dress up as someone else and gets bags of candy for it...
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