Devin and I have been known to randomly burst into Christmas songs lately, and at this very moment I have Mannheim Steamroller Christmas playing (or one of them, as we have, I think, all of their Christmas albums). I am very much in the Christmas mood! I'm so excited to have the best of both worlds this year, since I'm planning to decorate for Christmas in August (Yes, you heard right, AUGUST--don't worry. I won't be offended if you laugh and think I'm nutty. My housekeeper laughed at me when I told her, and I didn't fire her.)! So, I will get to enjoy my house decorated for Christmas time, and then leave at the end of November/December to enjoy a good ol' western US Christmas complete with subzero temperatures and (hopefully) some good snow! I'm looking forward to fires in fireplaces, sweaters, hot chocolate, candy canes (I don't really like them, but they are very Christmasy), sledding, snowball fights, snowmen building, eating a lot of REAL food (he he he...), and caroling outside while freezing your self to death! I'm so looking forward to this! I wasn't for a long time, then I finally resigned myself to the fact that we're going to be there for the holidays and freezing weather, and now I'm super excited! I can't wait!!

I hope you will forgive me a moment of nostalgia...
Let it Snow!! Here it is snowing in Rexburg...isn't it pretty? My parents' backyard. I'm so sad I wasn't there this past winter to enjoy the enormous amounts of snow they got!!!!

Here it is after a few more snow storms and a little shoveling! That fence is a good 6 or 7 feet tall... :)

The Christmas Kitty. Stupid cat.

(These pictures were taken by my little sister.)
Here's a funny little story that has nothing whatsoever to do with Christmas. Last night I was thinking to myself how nice it had been--that for THREE whole days we hadn't lost power even once!! Those nice long stretches are so nice! I must have jinxed myself, though, because in the middle of the night, the power went out. Blah. That's the worst, because that means the kids' A/C gets knocked out. If I don't get in there within a few minutes to turn it back on, inevitably one or both of them will wake up and come wandering in. I'm not sure if it is because the heat rises so quickly, or if they are just like me (and the rest of the Edwards clan) and have to have that constant fan noise. But, either way, I didn't get in there fast enough last night, and had some fun with Claire in the middle of the night. Oh well. That's not so out of the ordinary. She was my best sleeper--she slept 12 hours straight through the night at 3 weeks old...until she was 2. And now...she sleeps through the night maybe one or two nights a week. *sigh* I guess she is just trying to help me be more prepared for another newborn. :)