Today, we had a nice morning. We all got up and ate our yummy breakfast (Kellogg's Fruit Harvest...ohhhhhh that stuff is GOOOOOOOD!!!) then I got to exercise--Exercising is always a funny experience for me now. Today I said it's time for exercise, and Andrew yelled, "Size!!" and ran and stood in front of the TV! Josh and Claire cuddled themselves up on the couch for a good watch. :) So Andrew ran in and out of the room while I jumped up and down, and Claire and Josh did the 'couch potato'. It was great! Then, some FM guys came over and brought us some new patio furniture! I definitely wasn't expecting any...but apparently they stopped by yesterday and asked our guard if we had any patio furniture. Nope. So, they came today and brought us some. What a funny thing to be 'deficient' in. We hardly sit outside. Maybe it will change now?? It's a little glass table with four chairs and an umbrella. So, we'll probably end up having more al fresco dinners and lunches. As long as the bug zapper is plugged in, I'm ok with that.
After the exercise and table setting up, I went grocery shopping with my friend. It was hilarious! I went and got my usual poulet blanc (chicken breast, or white chicken), then decided I wanted some pork...I REALLY want to make my pork in mexican gravy over rice with black beans....oh, it's heavenly!!! I just have to get a plug adapter for my crock pot and I'll be in business!! Then, I decided that I was hungry and wanted a ham sandwich!! They have ham lunchmeat there! And it's the GOOD stuff!! Well, funny thing. I was looking over the ham, and there was one, 'jambon fume' which looked to be about 8,000cfa (or about $16) cheaper than everything else! Everything was around 9,000cfa a kilo, whereas this one was only 1,100 cfa! So, I thought, that is a GREAT deal!! So I got a whole kilo! I was really excited for some lunch meat...and as she was slicing it, I kept wondering why in the world that one was so much cheaper than all the rest... Well, then she handed me my package. Imagine my surprise when I looked at the little price sticker. No, it was not 1,100 cfa. It was 11,000cfa! And since it was just over a kilo, it was around 12,000cfa! So, I spent around $25 on sliced ham lunchmeat! But, oh, it's SOOOOOOO good! Then I went and spent the rest of my allotted grocery money for the week on a nice block of CHEDDAR CHEESE! Oh, so good!! I pulled out my handy dandy cheese slicer that I got for my birthday a few years back and enjoyed myself thoroughly!!
Here's the 'spread'! What fun!!!
I giggled a lot, and the kids probably thought I was a bit loony, but they enjoyed themselves, too! :) So, for lunch today, we had ham and cheese sandwiches on freshly baked croissants...YUM!!
The finished product:
I'm so silly! But it tasted SO good and felt so much like being at home...ahhh...
After our shopping spree, we went back behind the grocery store to a big park that is back there! I didn't know it was there! But my friend did, and boy that's a great place to go after the kids have been really good while you're grocery shopping! It costs a couple of bucks to get in, but it's pretty worth it since it has this little airplane ride, a big thing with slides and tunnels, some swings and spinny things (sort of like merry-go-rounds, but better because there are seats on them), and I hear that they even have a giant blowup castle there in the afternoons! That would be a fun thing! Sadly, I forgot my camera on our little park outing, but I'm sure we'll go again and have plenty of opportunities to take pictures while there.
And here's another funny thing I happened on the other day. What would you think if you came upon this? :)
Andrew and Claire were climbing up the 'wall' of our computer room/den. They sort of look like they're floating! :) What funny kids!! They're about 15 feet or so up from the floor. Andrew would then scream until I came over, and as soon as I came close enough, he'd just let go of the wall so I could catch him. Very trusting!
Here's another funny: yesterday I was VERY sick. I couldn't keep ANYTHING down at all. It was awful. I tried all day long to eat various things, and nothing worked. I had another terrible headache, and I just wanted to lie down with a pillow over my head and pass out! Well, after the kids were finally in bed, Devin brought out some Deluxe Chips Ahoy cookies...I probably ate ten of them!! They were the ONLY things I was able to keep down yesterday! AND, after chowing down on all those cookies, my stomach settled right down, I was able to sleep, and I feel absolutely fantastic today! So, that just goes to show you: Cookies ARE good for you! Reminds me of the time Josh 'made' breakfast. Apparently, he decided we were going to have marshmallows...and he turns to Devin and says, "Did you never know that I only ever make natural marshmallows?" Ha!!
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