So, Mom, this one's for you!!! :)
This is the cake that I would make for you if I were there...can't you just taste those chocolate dipped strawberries?? :)

Here are some beautiful roses for you, Mom! I know they don't smell as good on the computer...and I know it's a picture of the ones that Dad gave you for your anniversary in march, but, hey, it's the thought that counts, right??
My mom was always so good to come to my rescue for a few weeks after each kid has been born. She only had to travel to Utah for the first one...but the second one she had to go to Pennsylvania and hang out in our tiny little trailer, and for the third she had to go to Washington D.C., although I think that one wasn't as much of a trial as there are lots of fun things to do there... :) So, this time, I'm giving her a break. She doesn't have to come to Africa for #4, we're going there instead! :)
Mom's always been very trusting with her hair. This haircut was given by my sister (it's a good haircut, sorry it's so blurry!). But it puts me in mind of the time when we were living in California and my mom needed a new haircut. Funds were tight at the time, so my mom asked ME to cut her hair--I was TEN YEARS OLD!!! Sufficeth to say, it didn't turn out very well, and she had to go in to town and get it fixed anyway. :) She trusted me a lot at that point.

She is always game to go places, even if she perhaps didn't really want to...but she did it to be with her family!! (She even sometimes allowed herself to be photographed, however unwillingly, at said outings!)
Me and My Mom on the metro! :) Oh, I think we both hated having our picture on this one... :)
My mom always tried to make holidays very special! She decorated for all of them, including us in the decorations (which sometimes got a little interesting...I remember all those Halloweens where we drew our own ...uhhh... beautiful window decorations which would consist of some hardly decipherable pictures of pumpkins, witches, black cats, etc... ). Our house always looked so beautiful!

My mom would go to the moon and back for any of us kids --not to mention my dad! And she quite often has in the figurative sense! She is a super mom--she cooks, she sews, she reads everything, she plans and executes and still manages to have a clean house. How? I have no idea! I can't! :)

My Mom Did It!! She worked herself to death and managed to come out with her degree--finally! :) We are so proud of her! :)
Doesn't she look happy? The graduate! :)
Yes, this is a PAINTING by my mom. She is incredible! No wonder they let her graduate with her degree in art! Isn't it fantastic??? (It's a painting from a picture that my dad took of the temple in Rexburg, Idaho)
The Amazing super mom!!! Not only is she the mother of these four fantastic people (myself, my two brothers and my sister), but she managed to pull off my wedding almost single-handedly! She MADE my wedding dress, she MADE ALL 4 bride's maid's dresses, she made the tablecloths for the reception(s), she made the centerpieces for the tables: which consisted of a little wreath of silk daisies and a giant candle (which, yes, she MADE) with a silk screened sticker on it that she had drawn that said Devin and Emily, December 20th, etc.etc. She MADE cream puffs and a chicken salad to put in it AND a frozen fruit drink--to be able to serve at BOTH of my receptions. I'm surprised the woman didn't collapse! That is what I call dedication!!
Isn't she beautiful!?!? What a great person inside and out!!!
We love you, MOM!!!
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