Here they are with Andrew:
This one is after Andrew left...
I think it's funny...when we lived in Pennsylvania, we had the missionaries over at least once a week, mostly because we enjoyed it, and also because Devin was the branch mission leader, so it just worked. I remember always worrying about making enough. I also remember stressing out one time, because there was going to be an extra Elder! So now I had THREE big hungry guys! Ha! Now, I feed SIX big hungry guys plus the senior couple AND my hubby and three kids! :P YES! I feel that's quite the accomplishment! :)
This past weekend, I had to do three different 'classes' for church...the first one was on Saturday. I did a fireside for the single adults on honesty...and I did almost the entire thing in FRENCH! WHEW! I still feel retarded, but I am feeling a little more comfortable. Then, the next day (Sunday) I did Sharing time! Now, not only have I NEVER IN MY LIFE done sharing time before, I had to do it in French! Sheesh! AND the Primary president left halfway through my lesson/activity time...and she's the one who translates for me if I get stuck! Either she thought I could do it alright, or she had an emergency...I think it was the latter! :P But, well, I suppose I did ok. The kids didn't get too out of hand and they paid attention for the most part which is all you can ask of a big group of kids listening to someone shattering their language to shreds and throwing out Spanish and English to boot! :P What fun, eh? AND THEN, of course, I teach the English primary class...and I totally spaced preparing for it. Well, I thought I did pretty well, considering I had to prepare three lessons while trying to keep all my food down and stay awake... But, well, I admit I let that one slide. So, I pulled out the old stand-by: We read stories and did activities from the Friend! Yea!! Gotta love the Friend! I highly recommend that magazine for anyone who has kids!! :)
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