First, we have Josh all ready for church. Yes, he dressed himself. Can't tell, can you? Ha!! When Josh walked in, I had to look away--Devin thought I was crying--I was laughing so hard!!! But, he was sure proud of himself! At least he has the white shirt and tie idea. I suppose we'll work on the shorts vs pants and buttoning up the shirt all the way, later. :)
Next, we have a snacktime. Now, snack time at our house is always a pretty funny affair. These little guys love to eat. I usually have them all sit at the table and eat whether it's snack time or meal time, so we all sit at the table together about 6 times a day! Ha!!! Usually, we tell funny made-up stories, talk about silly dreams we had, talk about things we learned at church (or 'school'), discuss what we would like to do next or what we want to eat next...Ha! Today, I was teaching the kids to make Condorman 'masks':
And here are some funny shots of Claire and Andrew, courtesy of Josh. He REALLY wanted to take pictures with the camera, and this is what he came up with:
Aren't they cute? Andrew LOVES to have his picture taken. Claire was actually posing for both of those photos. She wanted to hide behind the big bowl, and she wanted to look like she was drinking water (her cup was empty). What a ham! We ate popcorn and homemade chocolate chip oatmeal cookies for our snack this morning! Mmmmmm....
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