Devin LOVES to be outdoors!!
Here he is with Josh at a 'beach' on the edge of Lake Erie in PA:
Another outdoorsy day with a swingset and a Joshua:

Another excursion to Presque Isle (Lake Erie, PA) about a year or two later. Claire is on his back. Devin is rarely seen without the baby backpack when we have little ones (which is pretty much all the time....)
Help me!! He is so fun!!
He takes time to play with his children--to teach them things! :) He spent hours bent over 'driving' Josh's trike for him with Claire holding on behind. They loved it!
Our big fun in Virginia! How he loved going on bike rides every weekend! He even rode his bike to work! The kids had a blast on the trail-a-bike and bike trailer...what a great idea, Dev! It was a definite wholesome recreational activity for the whole family to enjoy!
Giving 'Wheelbarrows o' fun' for the kids! They loved that, too!
Devin is the best daddy in the world. Yes, I may be prejudiced, but somehow I don't really think so!!
He always reads stories to the kids (even though he usually falls asleep)!
Like I said, he falls asleep if 'reading' too long! So sweet! :)

Holding Josh and Claire. He is so gentle and loving with his children!! :)
Proud Daddy!!! Unfortunately, once again the loss of the scanner makes me sad, as all the pictures of baby Josh are 'hard copies'... but...
Here he is with Baby Claire:
Here he is with Andrew...while enjoying a smoothie! He is just as health conscious as I am, and I'm so grateful!
Ready to go Trick-or-Treating! What a dad! He's always game to do something fun with the kids!!!

What would I do without this guy??? If it weren't for him, our trip here would have been even more horrendous than it was! He's so good with the kids--so patient and thoughtful--it makes traveling just a little bit easier!
Isn't he cute?? I thought so! Still do. (this is from our wedding, by the way, in case anyone was wondering)
Here is his birthday cake for today...
and him posing with it! :P
The traditional blowing out of the candles (including about 8 trick candles that kept coming back!! That gave oodles of fun to all the little kiddies there! We had movie night at our house tonight, so after the movie was over, we did the singing and blowing out of the candles for both Devin and a neighbor friend.) :)
Happy birthday, my one and only love! I'm SO thankful for you! You are my best friend--I am happy every day because I married you! :)
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