Yes, Claire was sad. But the funny thing was, she wasn't sad because it wasn't a sister. She thought I was going to go and get the baby that day! She sat and sobbed, "I want my baby!!!" Poor little girl! I think she'll be a really good big sister...again! :)
It was funny, at the ultrasound, the lady doing it said that the baby was about 10 days behind in its growth (which means that, yes, it's my baby, as they ALL were 'ten days behind' on the ultrasound, but still came on time happy and healthy!), and when she said that, she turned to me and said, "If you are dieting, you should stop!" Ha ha!! Like dieting would change the size of the baby! It might make me sick, but that little baby would get all the nutrients it needed, no matter what I did! I had to laugh at that. Love the third world doctor's advice!
Devin left last night for Cairo, Egypt. Oh, I'm so sad! We've never ever been apart (except for one night just after we were married when he had to go on a field trip for some Geography class in college and spouses weren't allowed! How rude is that???) so the kids were really freaking out. Claire cried herself to sleep. The kids all got up SUPER early this morning, and came in to check and see if dad really was gone or not. Poor little guys! But, we'll survive, I'm sure. It's been done before, and for longer than 8 days. I'm grateful he's not gone for a month or 2. But, it's still hard. I'm grateful, though, that I have good friends here that completely understand and take care of us, and that I have a housekeeper and a nanny who are very helpful, too! If I were left all alone with the kids for a week without anyone around to help, I'd probably honestly go crazy! But, I think we'll have a nice week, and be REALLY happy to have Devin back by next Friday. (just in time for my birthday!!)
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