So, my I said earlier, it was like Christmas! Devin was here, and he brought us all home presents! :) He brought home some super cool bookmarks from Egypt and Kenya and some Egypt touristy shirts for the kids:
For me, he found some beautiful Egyptian scarves/shawls:
Aren't they pretty? He has such good taste!
And a silver necklace with Nefertiti:
A small jewelry box:
Some perfume and spices--some Egyptian spices that I have no idea what they are, and since Devin has a cold, he can't smell and tell me which is which and what is what! Ha!!!
He brought home some incredible paintings on papyrus! So neat! This one symbolises the relationship between husband and wife:
And then one of the pyramids:
And some others that I'm not going to post because they are future gifts...he he!
AND, the piece de resistance: HO-HO's and TWINKIES!!! Ha!! I downed those all by myself in two days. Doh! I really was going to share...but I lost all my will-power after that first bite of artery-hardening goodness! :P
We spent the whole day here inside the house--which is really weird for us! But it was nice. Devin took a nap, we all watched movies and ate lots of good food. Devin made me the most incredible cake!!!! He made--from scratch!!!--a German Chocolate cake, complete with homemade coconut-pecan frosting. Talk about heaven! Eat your heart out Duncan Hines and Betty Crocker! :) It was SO good! And if you look at the picture that he posted, you'll see that some of it is not frosted. No, that's not because he ran out. Claire declared she would not eat the frosting, so he left some frosting-less just for her. Sweet daddy! :)
I also surprised Devin with a new haircut...not for him, though! :) Thursday morning I went out and found a little 'Beauty parlor' and had my hair chopped off! I love it!!! It's short and layered--it curls in all the right places and is super easy to take care of along with looking a whole lot nicer! I didn't tell Devin about it, so when he got home on Friday, he was surprised! :) He he he!
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