So, as I've said, it's been busy around here! Thus, the lack of posts. I hardly even remember what I've done this week! We had play groups, French classes, Spanish classes, homework, preschool fun...
The Letter K...Claire was a King (well, a queen) for a day:
And we ate fruit Kebabs (Andrew was SO happy!):
The Letter L...we picked leaves off of cool plants in our front yard and glued them on a big letter L: (Claire used a LOT of glue!!!)
We got a swingset on Monday and the kids have spent almost every waking minute on it!
Joshua came home very discouraged on Tuesday, saying he hated school and wanted to just stay home with me...(a pause here)...and swing! Ha! What a guy! I've had doctor's appointments that ended up being for 3 hours instead of 15 minutes due to some lack of communication. Oh well. We had the missionaries over and ate loads of homemade pizza, salad and rootbeer, with Claire's request of Strawberry Shortcake for dessert! (My big helper! :) She's going to be a great cook!)
We've had movie nights, story nights, super-duper rainy nights...
We had a 'dance' here at our house:
Andrew's birthday is coming up on Monday, so we've been up doing fun things for him: Devin put together his new little tricycle! It's so perfect, and he's going to be utterly thrilled!! I'm making him a quilt, as we're planning to move the crib out of his room (finally) and set up his toddler bed. He doesn't have a special blanket of his own, so it's high time he had one!! I made quilts for Josh and Claire about 3 years ago, but Andrew wasn't even thought of at that time. Since then, life has been so crazy that I haven't had a moment to spend making quilts and things. :( Well, now I have more time and more room to do it! Thursday night, I cut out Andrew's quilt. Yesterday, I sewed all the squares together. Today, I pieced the whole top! Tonight, Devin and I are going to tie it! Tomorrow I'll bind it, and it will be ready for his 'new' bed on Monday! It was a SUPER easy quilt pattern, thus it takes just about 4 days to make, beginning to end! :) We got him a few other things, but I'll save some things to share on his big day! :) I'll be sure to take pictures to share. The whole quilt idea started because #1 I noticed that the quilts I had made for the kids many years ago really don't fit the beds they have, and they don't have many others that really work. So, I thought it was time for a quilt. Then Claire mentioned that she wanted that decided it! I thought about doing it for Christmas like I did long ago, but decided since we'll be traveling at that time, I don't want to carry around bulky quilts! So, birthdays it is! Josh's is the same basic pattern as Andrew's, just bigger. Claire's is a rag quilt. I'm going to make a smaller one for her dolls, too, as she is always begging for scraps of material to wrap her dolls in. She would get a kick out of a doll quilt! I'm even making one for the new baby! :) How fun! And now that I finally have my sewing machine up and running (I didn't before because I didn't have a transformer in the room...but thanks to my Dear Hubby that's all better!) I have all kinds of fun projects planned for myself! :) How fun!
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