Here, of course, we don't have our bikes. I wouldn't ride my bike on these roads anyway...too scary and WAY too many NASTY hills!! BUT, we CAN walk! We have 2 double strollers, hats, sunglasses, tennis shoes, and lots of sunscreen! So, this Friday and Saturday started our weekend walks! Here are some photos from the fun:
Here we are in the car on the way to the Round Point to get the car washed while we walked... :) (the kids thought it was hilarious to sit in the jogging stroller while in the car...)
Josh near the top of the summit that we didn't quite make it to...good gravy it was HOT and STEEP!!!! (I'm trying to make excuses for myself, when I'm just really out of shape...)
A pretty view:
Andrew and Claire at the bottom of a cool flight of stone steps that I'm glad we didn't have to climb!
Another view of the steps with people on it (and Andrew in the corner):
A Super cool termite mountain!
Another Super cool termite mountain...I put the kids in front to show how big the thing is:
Another view with everyone (well, except yours truly...):
It was a nice day! We went swimming afterward! It was a great way to spend the day together! :)
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