It was such a pretty place!
This is a Cameroonian ‘farm’. Notice the lack of animals and ‘normal’ vegetation. Although there is corn (it is VERY VERY different than the sweet corn in the US, which I do miss a lot!), there is also ‘melons’ (which are sort of like a mix between a pumpkin and a butternut squash—and is a recent discovery for us which we are very happy about!), cassava (manioc), sweet potatoes (which are sort of like the sweet potatoes/yams that are sold in the US, but not quite it…), sugar cane, bananas, and plantains! Fun!
(This is a really retarded picture, but you can see some of the corn that I harvested...)
Here we all are in different areas of the farm:
Walking to a little primary/secondary school:
In the car (this is a different car—the road was dirt and badly rutted. Since our van is low to the ground and the air threatened rain, I wasn’t about to drive it down a steep dirt road…so we walked to the farm!
Luckily it wasn’t far… But when we were done, everyone was tired—not me, though, as I’m used to taking care of 4 kids, so playing with corn is nothing!—so we all piled into the 4 person car [7 of us] and drove to my van):
(This is another retarded picture, but I just couldn't manage to get everyone into the picture all at the same time...but we're all inside that little car...)
It really was a lot of fun. I got to spend time with some of my Cameroonian sisters and get to know them. The kids all stayed home and played with dad. Peter was surprisingly cooperative and slept almost the entire time that I was gone!
Left to Right: Hortense, Agnes, Meekness, Yvonne, Pascaline, Lilian, Me:
My Sisters!
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