We went to the zoo on Wednesday. It was supposed to be a big outing with other friends, but all of our friends ended up sick at home! Claire was sick, too, then miraculously got better...until we were at the zoo and she threw up all over the turtles. (Well, not really ON the turtles, but it was just as gross.) We had a fun time, so I'll just let the pics and videos speak for themselves. (I highly recommend watching the lion video, as the lion kept attacking some guy! Scared the kids to death. It's not so scary in the video, but it was a big and loud lion!!!)
Baboons: (they had some super cute little tiny baby ones! SO tiny!)

The Turtles (before Claire threw up):

The lions:

Alligators (There were 6 baby alligators--or were they crocodiles?--all together under this spot!):

Some free-range Peacocks:

And of course, the best part...The Park!!!!!

(Is Josh wearing a hard hat? Why, yes. Yes he is. Smart move, I think...)

The trampoline was hilarious!! Who seriously lets 10 kids on at a time? I mean, really?
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