They had some pretty sweet bushes! This one looked like a fish diving in the water:
No one was really sure what this one was, but it looked pretty cool!
When we finally got to Foumban, we found our hotel: Hotel Baba! :)
This is the Hotel front taken from the front seat of the van as we pulled in:
Another good shot:
We hadn't eaten all day, so here we are in the hotel's restraunt waiting for our super expensive dinner of fish, chicken, plantains and french fries:
I wish I had taken more pictures of inside our 'fancy' room! This bed Josh is sleeping on was shared by Josh and Claire. You can see Andrew's little pack-n-play in the corner there. The smell of mothballs was SO strong in that room! Whew!!!!! Gives me a headache just thinking about it! :P But it was definitely an experience! From creepy foam beds, to damp blankets and sheets, to huge foam pillows to dirty floors with moth balls to a very interesting bathroom with only cold water (because the water heater was next door, and off!!!), to no screens on the windows and no mosquito was a very interesting stay!! There is, of course, no air conditioning there. So, we asked for a fan. They brought in this HUGE monster fan! It was as tall as me and twice as wide! BUT, there were no outlets to plug it in! So, we told the owner, and they came in, took a plate off the wall (not one for eating), pulled out some wires, and hooked up a new outlet--all without turning the electricity off! So, I came in to see this outlet hanging out of the wall by a few wires, and this huge fan going full blast...boy was this an experience!!! :)
This is outside one of the 'rooms'. They were cute little 'houses' outside. Josh has a nice bag of oatmeal-craisin cookies for the road.
I took this picture! Fun, eh?
Claire was playing tag with some other kids that had come with us. I yelled out to her to smile, and she turned her head and grinned without even breaking stride!
Family photo in front of our lovely room:
Camping, eat your heart out! :)
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