It was a nice overcast, cool day our first morning there! :) Yea!
Claire was fine as long as she wasn't too close to the water.
Here is Andrew chilling with Amadou (our French instructor). He's right at home! :)
Josh and I are testing the water. The Atlantic Ocean is SO much warmer than the Pacific!! Even on the Eastern side of it! :)
We got wet! Josh is so proud! :)
Here are the kids with their 'sand castle'...or sand lump...
And, as always, you can't keep a good man down! Devin is so good about jumping right in and playing with the kids! (Especially when I'm suffering from lack of energy and morning sickness!)
This is our peacock friend. There were 2 of them, just roaming around the place!
Here we are walking to some waterfalls just down the beach from our hotel. Claire kept falling behind, so I held one hand, and Amadou held her other. How I have missed walking along a beach barefoot!!
Claire did NOT like the waterfalls!!!
Most of the family posing on a rock. Devin was actually trying to get them to calm down and hold still, so I had him do a quick pose in the middle of it! :) (You can still see poor Andrew having a hard time...)
Here is a fisherman! (Out for a pleasure cruise in Eel infested waters...)
Some Pretty Views of the Falls...
There was a little restraunt just above and to the left of where I was standing...and this is the girl who washes their dishes for them. She wasn't the only only one washing things in the falls. There were two other ladies there washing their clothes...Not to mention......
They also catch the food that they serve at the restraunt right there with the washed dishes and clean clothes! Whew!
Did anyone know that Shrimps had huge claws? I didn't. I must be retarded, but I was shocked! But, hey, they taste good! Especially barbequed! :)
And, as usual, I have to put in a plug to remind everyone how pretty it is here... :)
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