These are the vans we took on our trip! They are parked in the hotel parking lot! :)
Here are some happy kids at the beginning of the trip!
Josh and Claire with their friends:
Happy Andrew!
Andrew sleeping with his comfort object: a book!
This was a nice little dirt road on the way to Petpenoun. Devin even got one of the motorcycle taxi dudes! :)
There were tons of these huge horned cows being herded down the roads! :)
Here's a kid carrying a mattress on his head!!
This is where Africa meets Iowa! There are fields and fields and fields of CORN here!!! and in the midst of all that corn...banana trees, palm trees, and even some ponderosa pines! :))
It was market day in the little village of Foumbat (not to be confused with Foumban...) TONS of motorcycles with people on them going to and from church, and LOTS of stuff on the sides of the road! There were piles and piles and piles of plantains here!!! It was amazing!!!
It's a bird! It's a plane!! It's SUPER AMIGO!! HA!!
Anyone need a ride?? There were probably 15 people sitting on the back of this tiny little pick-up truck! and it already had a huge load of wood!
Do you think they have enough stuff on top of that van? Probably not.
Some ladies pushing a load of wood in their little wheelbarrows. That kid is giving us the evil eye maybe?
And the piece de resistance: Isn't this a beautiful view of some mountains?
This is a beautiful country!!
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