Josh and I made a volcano using an old juice container and some playdough...I'll load the video of it, too! Lots of fun!
I made a job chart (FINALLY) for the kids and here is my final result! :) They seem to like it so far, and it's helping Josh 'earn' his new bike! :)
The laptop has been overheating like crazy lately, so Devin called for new parts. The Dell guys would have just sent a tech over to fix it for him, but we didn't think they offered that to Africa, so Devin just told them to send him the parts and instructions and he could do it. Here he is with the whole thing taken apart!! (Turns out, we don't think we really needed new parts after all...the air vent was completely and totally covered in dust and gunk!!! BUT you have to take the entire thing apart to get to it anyway, so Devin just replaced the parts since he was already there.) As you can see, he did a good job, since I'm able to use the computer and it's not overheating! yea Devin! That's my man! :)
We are going to travel to a village called Foumban for the weekend. Today is a Cameroonian holiday, so we're taking advantage! :) We'll have lots o' pics and stories by Monday, I'm sure! So, until Monday, adieu! :) (This is a French Immersion trip, so we're supposed to speak French...oh boy...)
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