So, here is my tribute to my little baby Princess...
Here she is in the hospital...a little sweet newborn baby:
This one was taken at about 1 Year. She still has that same smile! :):
She was (well, she still is) rather mischeivious and devious and gets into just about everything. She was always getting into the medicines and rubbing them all over the place. The first time she did this (about a year earlier than the following photo), she and Josh had taken all the eczema cream and the desitin and rubbed it all over the walls, doors, NEW carpet and themselves... I was too upset to think about taking a picture, so this is one of the following desitin episodes! :)
This was her 3rd Birthday. She is pink and princessy all over! (Which is SO weird to me, as I don't like pink, and was never into fluffy, pink, girly stuff...right, mom? So, I'm hoping this is all just a phase...although it has been going on for rather a long time!!)
Here is her 4th birthday! This is one of her brand new pretty dresses that she got (I had it made for her out of the same material as my Wendy costume. The tailors here are fantastic!)
Here are the kiddies waiting for the cake. (Again, Claire is sporting a new dress made for her earlier that day!)
The Blowing out of the Candles!! Everyone helped! :)
Claire got some new shoes from our housekeeper:
Here she is among her 'spoils'! :)
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl! We love you! :)
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