So, here are some fun things that we've been doing the past few days:
Andrew now loves to wear Claire's hats! He is seen in one most of the day... (and night, it appears...)
Josh decorated the couch. He said it made it more comfy. There's barely room for him, so I don't see how...but, oh well. They thought it was funny!
The kids are showing me how strong they are! :)
Josh is off school this whole he has been joining us for Claire's 'classes'. Here we are doing the letter P. Claire did her letters just fine...
Josh actually spelled out the letter 'P' (or PE as he says). He's really into spelling things out lately. It's good!
Then, we made Pumpkin Prints by Painting with Potatoes... they thought that was pretty cool! (Their hands are blurs they are stamping those potatoes so fast!)
and here's the finished product:
We had the missionaries over on Monday, as is our tradition ever other Monday. After dinner, Elder Baker (or 'grandpa' Baker) takes the kids over to the couch and reads them stories while everything is cleaned up before Family Home Evening! The kids love it--they love to be read to all the time, so they are completely mesmerized! :) (Sorry the pic didn't come out very was sort of dark...)
And, here we have breakfast this morning! The kids ate Cheerios! Andrew is happy about it...
So is Claire (sorry about the, uh, nudity...she decided to start undressing before she was done...)
Josh got a little creative:
And here is his finished product! :)
He said it was Dad. Since he couldn't be there to eat breakfast with us, he made a nice Cheerio portrait of him! Looks like an artist in the making, eh, mom? :)
What fun! :) We're always busy here, I suppose. Except for yesterday and today. I've been tired beyond all reason. I even took a NAP yesterday! *Gasp*! So unlike me! I laid down on the couch to take a little break and read the Ensign when low and behold an hour had passed by and the Ensign was on the floor...Doh! I'll have to try again. I never do that.
I have managed to do a few things, though. I walk outside to sit on lawn chairs to watch the kids play...and I supervise as they color... :) I did make bread today, though, so I've got that going for me. And I made dinner, too. Our poor housekeeper got really sick today, so I piled the kids in the car and took her home by force (otherwise she won't stay home and get better!!!!) then took the kids over to the commissary and let them pick out a few movies. That's always a fun adventure. Luckily, I didn't see hardly anyone, which was good because I still hadn't showered and was in some pretty scrubby clothes. Oh well.
I officially got my travel orders--so now we're set to come back to the good ol' US of A for this new little friend to come! Our flight is all set, hysterically expensive though it is...we got a hotel reservation for our nice little layover. We get to stay in a Holiday Inn Express! Woohoo! Indoor pool, free hot continental breakfast, 2 Queen beds, cable television (like anything is on...)...we are set! Devin got his and Josh's flight plans all made up, too. They're actually coming out earlier than expected (by a day) which will make our anniversary better! :) So he'll get to Idaho on the 18th instead of the 19th. Then maybe he'll be over some of the jet lag so I can drag him off to the temple to do some temple sessions for our anniversary! Oh, I CANNOT wait to go to the temple again! It's been over a year!!! YIKES!!! All I can say is, I don't care where our next post is, I just hope there is a somewhat accessible temple nearby!!!!!!!!! (Ghana and Nigeria are NOT very accessible...)
Tomorrow, I plan to have a nice playgroup here at our house, and then...well, I don't know. Maybe I'll eat some more Cheetos while the kids aren't looking. :)
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